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???: I thought I was your favourite person in your world...

T: Who... I've never ever said that to anyone before.

???: Are you sure? I'm even more hurt now. How can you forget me.

T: Wait! Wait! Phun? Is that you?!

Phun: Yes! Phi, you remember me finally! I thought we were best friends how could you forget me. So mean.

T: Sorry na, I just got too busy with school and work.

  I take back what I said before, it's not that I have no friends. I have two best friends, Phun is one of them, the other one is Tin. They both study at T University. We met as toddlers, our fathers know each other and they leave us be when they meet up for business.

Phun: Aw, I guess that's fine then. You have to remember to take care of yourself okay? Don't work too hard and get sick, none of us are there to take care of you.

T: Hoy, I'm not a child anymore. Besides, I'm older than you two, I can take care of myself.

Phun: But Phi, we all know you are the least mature one among all of us. Our maturity is inversely proportional to our ages.

T: Don't say that, you don't have to point that out. It's embarrassing to hear.

Phun: But it's the truth Phi. Anyways what are you doing these days, I heard from Dad that you are interning at the hotel your father always visits.

T: I got disqualified from the internship awards, but I can still work here. It's fun to work here, I made a new group of friends, a unique bunch.

Phun: So how is your love life~ Are you still painfully single?

T: Yeah, you know how it is. Who would want me for me? They only stick by for the money. What about you, last I heard you broke up with Aim in highschool.

Phun: Yeah I did, but I found someone way better, more beautiful and cuter than her. He's so cute when he gets shy Phi![I am NOT cute you ass!]

T: Wait wait, he? Didn't know you were bi.

Phun: Nah, I'm not bi. I just happen to love him and he's a guy. Don't judge okay?

T: Why would I judge... I'm gay remember?

Phun: Wait what?! When did you tell us that?!

T: Geez calm down, don't shout into my ears please. I didn't tell you two? I thought I did. I think my memories are mixing up here and there.

  Having two different sets of memories is sometimes troublesome, I got confused again. It was Wayo who told Ming already, not Toey.

Phun: No you didn't. Oh, sorry I have to go now Phi! My wife is calling me over~ [Who are you calling wife?! And who are you talking to so happily?] Aw don't get jealous na? *click*

T: Bye?

  He hung up on me that kid... guess that other person is his wife or boyfriend. Sigh... I want that too. P'Pha, when will we meet again? Can we even meet again?

Sry this chapter was a bit boring and short, mainly just Toey and Phun chatting and catching up. Maybe it's because I just woke up from a nap XD

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