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It is a few days after the conversation with Pong, I asked for a two days break as I had to go back home to check on Dad. I know he may not be as good to me as my past life's Dad was but he still brought me into this would. Thinking back, I wanted so badly for him to be proud of me, to just praise me once for something I did. So much that I did things I regretted, I realise now that no matter how much I try, he would not look at me with anything other than doubt. I wonder how he would react if he found out I loved another man.

Back to the current situation, I am currently heading back to my car after stopping by the gas station to grab a snack as I was getting hungry. Which was when I felt like I heard someone call my name, not Toey but Wayo. I might be hearing things... maybe the extent of how much I miss him is getting to me...

I ignored it and continued back home, the last time I called Dad he sounded sick, his voice was stuffy. He is getting old in age and I already noticed his health getting poorer than it was a few years back but he's still working. This caused me to get worried, what if he has a fever and he is still going to work? I sped up and reached home some time near 8pm, which there was no food for me, I knew it would happen. No one knew I was coming back, which was why I was planning on going out to eat after checking on Dad.

"I'm home." I wasn't expecting a response, Aunt Choi normally goes out to hang out with her friends and chit chat after making sure Dad has dinner. And Dad doesn't actually respond to me much. There is only one person who is always at home, the housekeeper, Uncle Foo. "Oh, Young Master Toey, how are you back? Why didn't you tell anyone? I could have gotten Aunt Choi to cook something for you." As expected, he was in the living room tending to the small decorations. "Sorry I didn't tell you, I just wanted to check up on Dad, then I'll go back to work tomorrow morning. Please don't tell him I came back, I'll grab dinner outside later." I didn't want him to know I came back, he would probably scold me for ditching work to play or something, he always only views me as a naughty child who only know how to play around.

Uncle Foo knows how I am like with Dad so he promised to not tell and advised me to be careful when I went out later. "Master is taking a nap upstairs in his room, he said he'll wake up later to do some work then go to sleep." I said thanks and went up to put my things.

When I saw Dad, my brows furrowed, he looked pale in comparison to his normal complexion. I checked his temperature by touching his forehead and found out he had fever, immediately I called for Uncle Foo and told him to take care of Dad while I got the medicine.

I'm confused, why am I so worried? Shouldn't I treat him as I always had in the past before I got my memories? Maybe I just want to make up for not being good enough to my past life's Dad... yeah that's it.

"Young Master... are you okay? You seem different, did something happen to you at your internship? You can tell me, I won't tell Master a single word." Damn, he noticed. "No it's nothing, nothing happened. I'll go have dinner now, take care of him ok?" I could see that he didn't trust my words but he still nodded and told me again to be careful outside.

And that was how I spent my first day of break, one day left and I'm back to the hotel where my friends are. Far from where we made our memories here in Bangkok.

Ok so um I'm not sure about the distance thing but let's just assume it takes him from around 3pm to 8pm to get home from the hotel. Also the names were made up, I just put whatever came to mind 😂

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