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  Sawasdee people reading, I'm called Sky. For some reason I have my past life's memories so I know everything that happened when I was Phana. I have this very cute wife, his name is Wayo, when he was young he had chubby cheeks and looked so cute in his glasses. Too bad after highschool he switched to using contacts, but at least his cheeks remained chubby. I really loved pinching and poking them when he was studying then he would always whine about not being able to concentrate because of me.

  I was a doctor as Phana, but now I'm still a doctor, working at T University's clinic. I wonder how my lovely wife is doing, I want to marry him in this life too. I miss him so much, his chubby cheeks, plump lips and his adorable personality.

  Actually I wanted to work at Kantapat University but somehow I didn't pass the interview, I think the gods above were telling me to not get too attached to the place. Regardless, I still do go there occasionally to walk around and reminisce. The clinic isn't as busy as a hospital is so I have more free time than last time.

  I remember when I would get so busy that my wife would get sulky and complain to his Dad. Technically the hospital belongs to my family, I could just let other people do the work but sometimes we become so short on staff and I have to help out more. The hospital is still standing now, just that I'm not the one running it is no longer my brother, but my nephew.

  Nong Yo, that's the way I always called him secretly in his sleep because if he were awake to hear it I would get punched. He always became shy whenever I called him that. I remember the first time I called him Nong Yo, his whole face was red. When I asked if he would agree to call me P'Pha and I'll call him something nicer than Shorty which was Nong Yo, he dashed out of the car saying "Don't agree."

  Today I was at Kantapat University again, I come so many times the people here don't treat me as a stranger anymore. I went to the cafeteria to buy a cup of pink milk and continued walking, reliving the memories of Phana. When I would stand outside the Science faculty with pink milk waiting for Yo to come out, whenever he walked out it was like an angel coming down the stairs of heaven, his sweet smile would always make me feel better after a tiring day at school.

  There was a time when it was exam time and nobody could find him, we got so worried and I was panicking the most I ever had in my whole entire life. Do you know where we found him? In the garden nearby the cafeteria we frequent, he said he was sorry for making us worried and explained that he came here when he was stressed out. He asked me not to tell anyone and that it could be our spot where none of our friends knew about. Who could say no to his puppy eyes? Besides, the words 'our spot' sounded nice, a place for us.

When I was almost done with the pink milk I stood up from the bench we always sat on and made my way to my car. It was time to go back to work anyways. I heard some girls gossiping about a cute short guy that they've never seen before and how he looked around their age. One of them said she wanted him to be her boyfriend. Another one just crushed her fantasy by pointing out that he looked to be searching for someone with the way he was just standing and staring into the cafeteria.

  Well, who cares how cute that guy was. No one can beat my N'Yo in looks, he is the most beautiful and cutest person ever. Period.

  I really want to find him but I'm not even sure whether he exists now or the gods just wanted me to suffer from loneliness.

I didn't watch Godt's show where he was Sky but I just searched up what characters he played and just chose Sky. Honestly the role from Reminders fitted a lot more but there's no name so I just plugged in the name Sky for him.

Edit 6Aug2020: Read through briefly and noticed there was an error so I corrected it.

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