The First Memory {{CHRISTMAS}}

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        My mind was blurry as I was thrown against that stupid pillar. I knew he had an evil side, but I never expected him to be so out of conduct. So once I stood, I realized something... This was a dream, or a memory. It was the orphanage, as old, dirty, horrid, and full of sadness as ever. But something was different, almost like a buried memory that I have never seen before. Light lined each window, the smell of chocolate and pine filled my nose, something wasn't right here... Sister Avery sat in a rocking chair as usual, sitting at the fire place as she held a small child on her knee. The child's hair was slate but a strip of bright red glowed the front of her face. And that's when I realized... that was me. 

        "Kota..." Avery gently said, brushing a few strands of my younger, scraggly hair back as tears flowed over her high cheek bones. "I am so sorry... So, so, so sorry... I know I have been mean to you. But now, it's Christmas..." She smiled sadly, taking out a small picture. I was a mute back then, but after a few years with Mrs. Dunwoody I learned to speak up for food and other things. Avery ran her thin fingers over the picture of a man, quite a handsome man at that. She looked at the picture thoughtfully, cringing in pain as if her heart broke to see it again.

        "This..." She began again. "This was my brother." I walked forward, sitting in the chair next to her rocking one while warming my suddenly cold hands on the fireplace. Everything about this room sent shivers down my spine. It was so... festive and holiday-like, nothing how I remembered it. Avery cleared her throat loudly and the smaller me looked back at her with sudden interest. "Do you know about wars?" She asked, and I nodded. At least... Both of us nodded. "Wars kill off both sides, and in the end... there is no victor." She silently put the picture back and stared at smaller me again. "I believe I found you to take care of you because you were also involved in a war... But your mother and father saved you from it by planting you in their ashes..." 

        I laughed, though she could not hear me. How absurd, my father was fine! My mother was just killed and burned and little did Avery know I was too.

        "You don't understand me do you?" She asked, tilting her hooded head to the side. The little me stood still and didn't answer her, which made Avery just the slightest bit annoyed. "Alright then," she mumbled, setting me on the ground and standing as she took my hand. "back to your room, Doff." Doff... The famous word that she always called me. I never knew what it meant, I always associated it with bad things but it ended up being better then that. 

        She led us back to my old room, up the third case of stairs and the first door to the left I followed smelling something very unfamiliar wafting in the air. Something, Christmas-y? I went to the window next to my bedroom, seeing it almost frosted over and snow sifting outside. It was Christmas... Why, Why couldn't I remember this? Sister Avery opened my door with her long key chain and looked down at the smaller me in a small dress with stockings as high as the moon. 

        "Go on, Child." She said and little me did as she was told. Before Avery shut the door I sneaked in and with a slam, was locked inside. The smaller me went to my circular window with bars over it, leaning her chin against the sill and watching the snow fall gently. As I creeped closer I thought I heard her say something. The closer I got the louder the memory sounded. 

        "Silent night... Holy Night..." the little girl sang silently. My heart ached just to give her a hug, but it reminded me of a little someone... Iggy. Now my mind was on worry mode and the sides of the memory started to collide in, sending me back against the door. Icy chains came from the sides of the room, dripping in frost as they curled around my ankles and wrists and held me there. The little girl stood, turning around and suddenly I realized... That little girl wasn't me... She had two different coloured eyes but, her hair had changed... It remained black as slate but, the strip... it was purple. 

        The little girl had a silver dagger with holy at the end as she came closer, pulling up a chair so she could be at eye level.

        "Sleep in heavenly peace." She sang, slitting my throat and sending the dagger into my abdomen.

        "Sleep in heavenly, peace."

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