Xavier's School for Special Children.

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   It was huge, the school or what ever it was. But I was to bussy trying to forget what had just happened. The wings were new, the claws I havn't see for six years, And the hair thing, new too. No one said anything to me about how freaky I was, they just offered me a ride over and I accepted. Kurt began to talk to me and ramble about how 'cool' my powers were.

   "You have wings! That's so cool! I just have a tail." he pouted then went to his watch. As he turned the face of the watch his normal skin turned to blue fur, his eyes were yellow and almost soul sucking. I looked at him, dumbfounded by this transformation. It was cool, and very odd. He looked like an Imp like from TV shows.

   "It's not that cool. . . Really. But I am as amazed as you are." I noted with a smile.

   "How so?" Jean turned around in her passenger seat and looked at me. She seemed nice and calm, she's probably seen worse then me. Maybe even people who have eight arms and the strength ratio of an ant.

   "The wings are new. . ." I felt were the fabrics in my sweat shirt tore. To large strips from my shoulder blades to kidneys. Odd enough it didn't leave one burn mark, along with a spot were they'd come out again.

   "New? Is that even possible?" Kitty asked from the other side of Kurt. Jean looked at her then back at me and gestured to my hands.

   "What's with the claws? Are those new too?" she asked. Somehow I knew she was going to ask. But she also said something else. 'Logan.'

   "Who's Logan?" I asked and Scott hit the gas pedal. I jerked forward and winced. Was that surprising?

   "Why do you ask? Did Mrs. Dunwoody say something about it?" Jean said a little more curious.

   "No, you said it. Didn't you?" I turned my head to the side then Jean laughed. 

   "You have alot more power then you think Dakota." she turned back and we pulled into a very long drive. Scott and her exchanged words and I could hear them loud and clear, while Kurt and Kitty had to move forward to hear.

   "She's a telepath now?" Scott whispered.

   "Yes, she's a good one at that, she doesn't even know she's doing it!" Jean smiled. "Xavier will want to see her. . . But I'm worried about Logan. She has his claws and his, well look at her." 

   "Yes I know. Did he ever?" Scott parked the car and looked at her and then Jean shook her head and shrugged.

   "I'LL SHOW HER IN!" Kurt and Kitty shouted at the same time. They went fighting out of the car. I chuckled and followed after them both. But looked back to see Jean and Scott looking over me. I stopped and walked back over to them.

   "Look, if I am this, Telepath thing. Does that mean I hear thoughts or something?" I asked. They both blinked, looked at eachother, then looked back at me.

   "Something like that." Scott said with a smirk.

   "Ok, so. . . I can read thoughts at any whimb?" Some things were very confusing. This subject wasn't that confusing, it was just new.

   "Yes, unless they block you out with their own Telepathy." Jean explained. "It's like a wall around your brain. But you should never use it for bad purposes." she waved her finger like a mother would. I rolled my eyes slightly and repositioned the book bag.

   "Who do you take me as? A theif?" I smirked then rushed inside and found Kurt and Kitty about who was going to show me to 'Xavier's office. I stopped them and laughed. "I can find my way." I told them. They both frowned and bid their ways. Kitty through the wall on the left, Kurt using a teleport of some sort. Now to find my way, ok Dakota. . . Use your powers?

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