Chapter Six

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Oh no.

"I don't think this is the best idea," Malcolm stated. Natasha didn't even care. She was going to try out being a cop. It was something she was thinking about for the longest time. It was what her mother would have wanted. "Are you coming or not?" Malcolm sighed and climbed through the hole in the rusty fence. "Hey, could we at least call for backup. I mean, if Jake Griffin is actually in there-" Malcolm paused. "We don't have anything to protect ourselves." Natasha nodded him off and rushed inside of the abandoned warehouse. "She is so much like Jackie," Malcolm mumbled to himself as he raced after Natasha. Upon entering the warehouse, Natasha only got a glimpse of the marble counter table before everything went black.

When her mind finally started to function and her surroundings became clearer. She was in a pitch-black room. Natasha attempted to move her arms but soon learned that she was tied to a metal chair. She stretched out her hand to find another pair of hands. "Malcolm? Malcolm? Goodness, wake the hell up!" The feeling of someone shooting up out of fear told Natasha that he was finally up. "What happened?" He groaned out. Malcolm looked around his surroundings to see nothing more than darkness. "We were following—" Natasha stopped herself. The sound of footsteps could be heard down the hallway, and they were coming closer.

A sudden bright light caused them to whimper. They both opened their eyes and once the colorful doors faded away, they came eye to eye with Jake. "Are you surprised to see me?" His voice sounded like poison. Natasha was disgusted to even be in his presence. "Aww, why the long face, baby girl?" Jake made his way over to Natasha. He forced her to look into her eyes by holding a sharp knife under her chin. "That's better." Jake leaned closer and got a hint of her cherry-blossom shampoo. "All the things I could do to you." He whispered. Malcolm and Natasha watched as Jake walked into the hallway, only to return with a cart filled with sharp surgical equipment. "You thought I was just keeping you here for company? Well, for a little amount of time I will enjoy your company, but I will find more friends." Jake explained, with his evil smile.

Malcolm watched as Jake moved closer to Natasha with his huge knife. "You killed Maira White?" Malcolm asked while analyzing Jake. It didn't seem to distract the man. He only questioned Malcolm, while looking for the best place to mark Natasha. Jake moved closer before stopping. Natasha did everything to get away from him, she tossed around in her chair or pushed her head back until she hit Malcolm's back. It was not use. She couldn't get away from Jake as he moved closer and closer. "This would do." Jake carefully placed the knife on her upper cheekbone and drove it down. Natasha tried her best not to cry out. Malcolm struggles to move his hand to hold hers. Upon holding in her screams, Jake pushed the knife in deeper. Natasha cried out and soon tears formed in her eyes. Jake moved back with a sick smile plastered on his face. "Onto the prodigal son." Jake moved away from Natasha, soon making his way to Malcolm. "Might I just say that I'm a huge fan of your father's work. He really inspired my work." Malcolm didn't break his serious expression. Jake only laughed. "Acting all tough in front of your girlfriend. But I know you're terrified." Jake wasted no time in opening Malcolm's button-up shirt. Malcolm shifted in his seat. "Never been touched this way? That's sad." Jake commented. He looked for the best place to crave his art piece. Malcolm winced but kept his cool as Jake drafted the knife along his chest. "You're boring." Jake walked away when Malcolm didn't show any signs of pain. Without another word, Jake dragged the cart out of the room.

"Are you alright?" Malcolm asked, after regaining his breath. Natasha 'hummed' in response. "It's going to be alright. We will get out of here, I promise you." He stretched out his hand to grab ahold of Natasha's. "Together?" She mumbled. The cuts burned and she thought talking louder would only bring Jake back. "Forever." Malcolm clarified

"I analyzes Jake. He's definitely new to this. But the way he was so eager to find the best spot showed he had OCD. He's a fan of my father. Sadly, no matter what my father finds a way to—" Malcolm calmed himself. "Can you reach that knife?" Natasha glanced over to a pocket knife that fell from the cart. With full concentration and slow movement of her foot, Natasha finally had ahold of the pocket knife. Malcolm grabbed it from her hand and undid the knife. With a swift movement of his hand, Malcolm cut the rope and broke them free.

"I have a plan." Natasha nodded. "We will slam these chairs over his head once he comes back. But for now... we should rest." Malcolm suggested. Natasha picked a side near the door and tried to make herself comfortable. Before she fell asleep, Natasha apologized. "I'm sorry I brought you into this."

(Next Morning)

"Natasha!" Malcolm quietly exclaimed. The young woman shot up and grabbed ahold of the metal chair. Upon hearing footsteps, Malcolm grabbed his metal chair. Once Jake entered the room, he was slammed in the head with two metal chairs.

Both Malcolm and Natasha rushed out of the room. They made it into the house connected to the warehouse. Malcolm rushed to the house phone. He dialed Gil's number and waited for an answer. "We need backup! Hurry!" Malcolm shouted before quickly stating the address and the line cut. "We need to find-" Malcolm paused in thought once turning around. Jake did a knife into Natasha's side, aching her to fall to the floor. He inched closer to Malcolm, but a gunshot stopped him. Malcolm opened his eyes to Gil. His eyes burned with rage. Dani rushed to Natasha's side. "She's losing too much blood." Upon saying that, the paramedics rushed in.

"You should get those checked out," Gil informed Malcolm. However, Malcolm didn't want to leave Natasha's side. "If I was just paying attention— all of this would have been avoided." Malcolm blamed himself for Natasha's bigger injury. "It's nobody's fault. I'm just grateful you were with her." Gil sighed. He walked out of the room and left Malcolm with a sleeping Natasha.

A little while of sitting around, Natasha finally woke up. She immediately closed her eyes to adjust to the bright light. "What happened?" She asked, with a weak voice. "You got stabbed, we rushed you to the hospital, and Gil gave you lots of blood." Malcolm shortly summed it up. "Thank you." They both exchanged bright smiles.

Malcolm stared at Natasha closely. She didn't seem to be in pain anymore, which brought him into a happier mood. The profiler blushed while moving his body closer to Natasha's. "May I?" He asked, wanted to make sure she was okay with it. The profiler just stared into her brown eyes. The black-haired woman pulled Malcolm to her level, wasting no time to connect their lips. It was magical.

A cough forced the two apart. "Wasn't trying anything, my ass." JT comments. Dani laughs and claps at the beautiful moment. The pair blushed hard and only hoped that Gil didn't see.

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