Chapter Three

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"What can you tell me about Malcolm?" Natasha sat in a small booth with Dani. They had arrived at a bar and were celebrating another success. Her father, Malcolm, and JT were sitting on bar stools near the counter. Natasha watched them laugh over an inaudible topic. Dani caught her staring at Malcolm. "You got a thing for Mr. Sherlock Holmes?" Natasha laughed. "No, but is that what you guys call him?" She pondered. "It's one of my nicknames for him. But what does Ms. Arroyo want to know about Malcolm bright?" Dani sipped on her wine while waiting on a reply. Natasha turned her attention away from Malcolm and brought it to Dani. "I guess, I just want to know more about him." She flatly stated. It wasn't anything of a crush, just interest. Natasha wanted to know more about him. "I mean, I already know you and JT. I just want to know him." Dani nodded in understanding. Natasha waited for Dani to start off. "I mean, where can I start? Bright, he's a great guy. He's a bit cocky with the whole profiler thing. He believes he's actually Sherlock Holmes." Dani explained, but Natasha wanted to know more. "What did he mean by relating to Jason's brother?" Dani paused and looked in the direction of Malcolm. "I don't know." She lied.

"Dani." Natasha firmly stated. The tall, curly-haired woman sighed. "That all is a bit personal. I don't have the right to tell someone about what he went through." It almost came to the point of Natasha jumping on the table and begging to know. "He doesn't want people to think of him like—" Dani paused. She gulped down her glass of wine before continuing. "Like his serial-killer father." Natasha looked at Dani then in Malcolm's direction with disbelief. "He can't be—" That was when it all settled in. "He's Dr. Whitly's son," Dani informed. "His father was a very famous cardiothoracic surgeon and he was arrested for 23 murders. Bright found a body in a treasure trunk and then called the police. Your father was on patrol that night and Dr. Whitly was planning to—" Natasha persisted Dani to continue. "Dr.Whitly was going to kill your father, but Malcolm warned him. He saved a lot of lives that night, including your fathers." Dani sighed. She was finally done explaining such a difficult story to talk about. Natasha tried to hold back her tears, but the thought of it all. The thought of Malcolm going through that. The thought of if Malcolm didn't warn her father. It was all a bit too much and sobbing in a bar wasn't unusual. But Malcolm, her father, and JT walked over to a very awkward moment. "Did you make her cry? Dani, I thought you were nicer." Malcolm mess with her but was actually concerned for Natasha. Gil made his way to Natasha, to be suddenly pulled into a tight hug. All the men stared at Dani with confusion. "She's just drunk and saw a video of an abandoned puppy." Gil soothed the sobbing girl and soon enough they all had another drink.

"And the guy went running." The group laughed. It was almost midnight and the group still was downing drinks. Well, Dani and JT. The other three were trying to stay a bit sober and Gil was going to drop everyone home, so drinking more wasn't an option. The bartender stopped pouring more drink for the two. "Oh come on." They both started off but quickly stopped by Gil. "Let's go." All 5 rose up at the command and stumbled their way to the car.

"Goodnight, Dani," Gil shouted at her as he waited for her to entered the apartment. After she entered her apartment. The three drove off. The next person was Malcolm. Once arriving at this apartment, Malcolm thanked Gil and rushed out of the car. Gil and Natasha exited the car. They were going to make sure Malcolm got inside safely and got into bed safely. Natasha's drunken state didn't really understand why. That was until she entered his apartment. It was very huge, beautifully decored. When she entered his bedroom, Natasha noticed restraints on his bed. She watched her father place the restraints on Malcolm before tightening them.

"Goodnight Gil," Malcolm turned on his side and allowed deep sleep to take over. With that, Gil and Natasha exited the apartment and made their way to the car. Once entering the car, Gil drove away from the apartment.

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