Chapter Five

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"Oh hey." Malcolm blankly said. He wasn't expecting a surprise visit from Natasha. Outside his apartment stood, Natasha with a box of doughnuts. "Does Gil have a case?" Malcolm questioned once allowing Natasha inside. She walked up the stairs and placed down the box of doughnuts. "Nope..." She breathed. Malcolm gave her a look of concern. "Did you run all this way to see me?" Natasha only nodded. "I— wanted— to— apologize— properly— and— thought— doughnuts— would— suffice." She sat down at one of the bar stools. "Nobody ever has gone to an extreme to apologize." He handed her an ice-cold glass of water. "I suppose I'm not like most." Malcolm laughed. "That makes two of us."

"I understand you felt bad but this is too much." Malcolm looked around at the feast of food that Natasha ordered. "You wanted Chinese." She stated. Natasha shushed Malcolm before he could go on. "I'm treating you. Most would happily take the gifts and never speak of it again." Malcolm's plate was filled and he couldn't say no since Natasha wasn't going to have it.

"You know mostly everything about me—" Malcolm paused. "What about yourself?" There was an awkward silence between them. "I—well, you already know about my mother and why I'm not a cop. I believe that it also could be from all the blood." They laughed. "I got that when you arrived at your first crime scene." Malcolm had another sip of his wine. "How did you know it was my first?" Malcolm simply answered "Profiler."

The rest of their night was filled with random jokes, stories of their past. Malcolm didn't really talk much about his father or that night. Natasha never pressured him to, which left a very comforting feeling around them. "Ever dated anyone?" Malcolm asked. Natasha thought about it for a moment and then flatly answered "No." To Malcolm's surprise, he never guessed that. However, now that he thought about it. Gill didn't seem like the type to allow his daughter to date. "You?" Natasha shot back. Malcolm sighed, which caused Natasha to believe its nothing good. "I guess I never found the right person. They all thought I was a bit too much to handle. The nightmares, flashbacks, voices, what if's, was a lot for them. At times... some would just leave without me knowing." Natasha rubbed his back, to at least being a little comfort.

"I hope you find that beautiful girl— if you're into girls." Natasha said with a uncertain voice. "Yes, Natasha. I'm into girls. I also hope you find that handsome Prince Charming— if you're into guys." Malcolm laughed and earned himself a nudge to the side, soon enough Natasha joined into Malcolm's laughing fit.

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