Chapter Four

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Happy Birthday,

"Wooo!" The entire station cheered. Natasha pulled her father into a bear hug. "You're so old." She teased. JT, Dani, Malcolm laughed. Gil cut more of the cake and passed it around. Everyone passed a plate around until every party guest had a piece. After that, all party guests enjoyed cake, some had more snacks, other played random games that were placed out. Natasha sat with her father. They chatted while looking at everyone. Malcolm shared a hearty laugh with JT, Dani soon joined the conversation.

"Why are you looking at my Profiler?," Gil questioned. Natasha struggles to give an answer. "What can you tell me about Malcolm?" Natasha asked, with a small smile. "I thought Dani told you everything you needed to know." She gave a look of uncertainty. "Don't Rey to fake it. I know she told you about Malcolm's past. You're lucky he hasn't found out." Natasha looked down in shame. "I understand it's none of my business, but I just wanted to know more about him. How did he hold up?" Natasha looked back in Malcolm's direction. "Not good. He's very strong." Natasha nodded.

"Why does he sleep with restraints. I'm guessing it's nothing dirty or is it." Natasha's eyes go wide, not wanted thoughts rush through her head until she shook them out. "He's not that type." Natasha smiled, with a slight nod. "He has those restraints for his horrible nightmares. That night was very scarring and it haunts him." A frown was now plastered on Natasha's expression. "He doesn't deserve that." She stated. "Yea, well... no one does. But he knows how to deal with it."

The party continued with several jokes, stories. Malcolm seems to share the most. "How did you spend the most time with my father?" Natasha blankly asked. All the laughing went quiet. They stared between Natasha and Malcolm, wanting to see how Malcolm would respond. "I—Gil and Jackie raised me after my father was arrested. Gil was like a father figure-I never had." Gil patted Malcolm firmly on the back, and soon enough the awkwardness left the air. "I'm sorry," Natasha said, with a guilty look.

Malcolm nodded and pulled Gil on the side. JT brought up another conversation. Natasha only stared in Malcolm's direction. She instantly shot up once Malcolm walked into the house. Nobody followed after her, not even her father. It was the guilt earring her up. She shouldn't have embarrassed him like that. Especially not in front of the entire station or in front of the man who raised him.

"Malcolm, wait!" Natasha called out. She finally got him to stop. They stood at the front door, Malcolm being a few inches away. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I didn't know that stuff, you and your family. I didn't know about my father being someone you looked up to." She blurted out. Malcolm gave her an understanding look. "I never would have guessed someone would find my life interesting." He joked.

"I will see you tomorrow. Lovely party by the way." Malcolm walked off to his car. Natasha watched him drive away.

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