Karasuno [Fundraiser]

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I was really inspired by this one south park fanfic which had to do with a fundraiser and the boys sexily dancing to fire burning LOL.

      The boys were struggling on finding ways to make money to get their whole volleyball team to watch a professional volleyball game. So they asked their second most trusted manager (y/n) first obviously being Kiyoko, however she was busy doing manager stuff. "Why don't y'all do a fund raiser," (y/n) spoke chewing bubblegum, "yeah but (l/n)-senpai we don't know what to do for a fundraiser," Hinata complained grabbing them by the arm only to be plucked off by Sugawara. (Y/n) looked the team up and down, then their eyes lit up like the fourth of July.
        "I got an idea," they said and took of running to find Takeda-Sensei, they stopped in front of his classroom and knocked on the door. "You may enter," they opened the door to see said teacher, "listen I have an idea on how to get the boys the money they need for their 'field trip'."

        "(Y/n) this is the most ridiculous idea you've had yet," the captain spoke coming out of the dressing room wearing a females cheerleading outfit. "XANANDHAGVAHAHAHA," (y/n) broke out laughing falling to the floor, "you look so pUrTy," as soon as those words came out of their mouth Daichi was running after them with a tick mark on his head.

         Each volleyball member was in a dance studio as (y/n) was trying to teach them a routine they must dance at the next assembly. "Okay so lets start from the beginning, 5...6....7....8," (y/n) spoke watching the boys start to move their body in a rhythmic way to the song.

       The lights in the gym started to dim as the boys got into formation. They still wearing cheerleading outfits due to their manager forcing them to wear the raunchy outfit. The curtains were pulled back as the music started, to say the teachers gasped is an understatement....they full on passed out. However, they did manage to get the amount of money they were needing.......

       .....but the tickets already sold out.

[370 words]

This is a short story after all lol....BTW my birthday is coming up on june 4th ^[]^!!!

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