Chapter 5

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I was once in love..? I once blamed myself for knowing these kind of emotions.

I once believed my life would be  filled with a warmer and warmer color, and one day I was so lonely that I missed the warmth of others.

It was a very foolish of me to think about now .

So was he,who was his father but never has been, said in contempt.

"If you try to pretend that a dog or a pig is a human being,in reality it's just a filthy animal. If you don't want to die like your mother, don't try to pretend to be  in front of the emperor. That disgusting life of yours? You're unfit to be a leader.

He, who was his brother but never has been his brother, laughed at his shortcomings .

'Oh, yes. You've never had anything in your dirty hands, so it's all just a pipe dream. I never wish to know you. Neither my father nor my mother nor I have the desire to make some of the land on this earth for you. Don't you know that just being allowed to breathe is beyond your means? What a lowlife .’

The woman who had always whispered love to him, but had never loved him, said to him in the end.

'I won't deny what I did. But I never once betrayed you. I love you. So please understand. I can't eat junk food with you all my life. I'm going to be the greatest woman in Obelia now. So if you truly love me, just let me go .’

It wasn't until then that Claude realized.

Oh, I see now. What I've been looking at all this time, were truly mere worthless delusion.

When i found out, what's it like to be up there?I wondered how the world would look like.

So Claude decided to take it all. If truly, he had never had anything and foolishly knew nothing, let's make it his, everything they've bragged about and craved for.

So when he finally got to sit on the blood-soaked throne  of his own flesh, the first thing Claude felt was nothing.

There is only one thing that smelled bad like upper or lower air.

They worshipped him because he was a saint who brought an end to the tyranny of the emperor.He killed his brother.

They all spoke together and said everything about Obelia was his, but in fact, he didn't really have anything.

Claude, who had never had any fun living before, fell into deeper void of boredom . He had a chaotic time, satisfied at the people who admired him,  yet he didn't even feel a bit of excitement for himself.

If someone asked him, 'Why do you live?' he would have said bluntly, 'I live because I don't have any reason to die.'

"A humble dancer?Are you curious?'

But there were moments when he thought he was glad to be alive.

There was a time when I even thought, "Maybe I've been living this meaningless life for this moment."

'There is no price . But if you want to give me something, just hold my hand. That's enough for me.’

The glorious times that made her eyes so beautiful that they always seemed to dream of him. All the glimmering moments when I couldn't breathe out loud because I was so full of food that I just looked at them.

A fleeting dream broke so easily after a moment of happiness.

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He swept things off the desk, making a loud noise. Claude was reeling from the memories , being swept all at once in the dark with his teeth clenched.

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