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((Y/n)'s p.o.v.)

I watched Lucifer enter my brothers study. This was normal, they were very busy men. Diavolo who is the future king of Devildom and his right hand man Lucifer. I wish I could help in some way but they always brushed me off. I know that I will always be a princess, but I had no responsibilities. I lived off my family and I wanted to do SOMETHING so I didn't feel like a leech. I looked up at Barbatos as he walked in with a tray of tea.

"Barbatos," I said gaining his full attention. "I want to get a job and move out." He only gave me a smile and poured me some tea. 

"Now why is that princess (y/n)," Barbatos questioned, did he peak into the future and see this or something?

"I'm sure you already know," I replied feeling slightly amused. "I want to make my own living instead of using others."

"I'm guessing I won't be able to stop you," Barbatos sighed. "You should at least tell Lord Diavolo." 

"I plan to," I said taking a sip of tea. After a few hours the meeting was over and I entered Diavolo's study. Lucifer was just saying goodbye.

"Hello," I greeted with a smile. 

"Hello princess," Lucifer replied with a slight smirk. I felt my heart flutter slightly but I didn't let it show.

"(Y/n)!" Diavolo exclaimed with pure joy. He was so sweet that it hurt sometimes. 

"I wanted to talk with you about something," I stated suddenly feeling nervous. Lucifer left nodding his head at me before closing the door. I then explained how I felt and what I wanted to do and surprisingly Diavolo was okay with that.

"Just know if anything happens you can always come back," Diavolo said seriously while hugging me.

"I know and I'll always come for visits!" I said trying to regain his carefree way. I left feeling content with how he reacted. What I didn't know is that he immediately texted Lucifer to keep an eye on me when I leave the house. 


I got a job at Hell's Kitchen and made a steady income. I lived in a moderate apartment and I would see Diavolo almost everyday. Something was different though. I saw Lucifer popping up more than he normally did. I would run into him EVERYWHERE, and I had my suspisions. So I went to confront Lucifer about it. 

I just finished my shift and left the resturant. I saw Lucifer in the corner of my eye and walked right towards him.

"Funny meeting you here Lucifer," I said crossing my arms with a knowing look. 

"Hello princess, its been awhile," Lucifer said with a smile. 

"But has it?" I asked smirking. "I seem to see you almost everywhere I go."

"It seems that I have been caught," he chuckled. 

"Diavolo put you up to this didn't he?" I said with a groan face palming. 

"What if I said I wanted to see you more often?" Lucifer asked moving closer to me. Again he managed to make my heart flutter. 

"I'd say you were lying," I scoffed with a teasing grin.

He leaned in close to me. "You know very well that I would never lie to you," He whispered, his breath fanning on my ear. My breath hitched as I felt my face heat up. I couldn't tell if he truly liked me or if he was just playing with me. Yet I knew Lucifer would never try to mess with my feelings cause he would get a punishment worse than death from my brother. 

I turned my head, not wanting him to see how he affected me and he chuckled lowly. Lucifer than gently grabbed my chin making me face him. His thumb rubbed over my lower lip as he took in my facial features. I also took this time to admire his looks. His bright red eyes and dark swooped over hair. I felt my heart pound in my chest like it was trying to escape. He leaned in close our lips nearly touching.

"You make me feel things I never would have imagined," With that said he turned around and walked away. I blinked once, then twice.

That fucking tease.


[Word count: 699]

[Published June 10, 2020]

𝒩𝑒𝓍𝓉 𝓊𝓅 𝒾𝓈 𝐿𝑒𝓋𝒾𝒶𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃~

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