endless journey

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the wind blew across the endless dunes and hills
blowing her hair into her face 
her laugh being carried up 
to the stars themselves

gazing across this world
the sun outlining the rock formations behind us
the sand blowing up and sparkling in the light
it's hard to believe life was anything less
than perfect

in this endless journey
i can hear a song 
     thrumming in my heart
          whispering to the birds
               murmuring across the grass
that speaks of the joy
in this endless journey

she raises herself up and spins around
feeling as though she was on top of the world
wishing that she could freeze this moment
and live forever in a world as beautiful as this

every journey has a beginning and an end
no matter how long it is
but ours is only just starting
and i'll be holding it out for as long as i can

when the stars come out to play - poetryWhere stories live. Discover now