falling apart

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on this endless current
that carries me across this vast ocean
i drift 
feeling myself shatter
into a thousand pieces

the life that used to be mine
is gone
blown away as easily as a feather in the wind
and vanished as quickly as a rainbow in the sunset
the only things that remain of it
are inside my heart

i'm drifting away from who i used to be
the me that was whole and peaceful
the me who lived life in a ray of sunshine
the me who i used to be

but what the past had
shouldn't be dwelled on
i might have been carried away like a feather
but like a bird i will fly into a future
bright as the sunlight
that falls on the dark water around me

i fell into the depths

i fell apart

i fell into pieces 

some of which might never be found again

but i can replace those pieces
with brighter pieces
pieces of all colors
pieces that will fill the holes in myself

after falling apart
i can put myself together
into a new person
     a new soul
           a new spirit
                a new life

after falling apart
i will fit myself back together
and walk forward into a new world

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