Treinta y cinco

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( so I just realized I wrote the same scene twice * last chapter* so if you wanna thing of this one as another version of it, go ahead because I don't wanna edit this book Right now. Once again- this and the last chapter will sound the same, just a heads up)

" what?" I whisper in disbelief. Him, Vince Melbourne, like LIKES me? My body went into a state of shock, my mouth hung open in disbelief.

He looked as if he didn't believe it himself.

That warm feeling at the pit of my stomach grew more intense as his words repeated in my head.
Just moments ago, I could've sworn he didn't have any romantic feelings for me.

Just moments ago, I was refusing to fall for him, Just moments ago I wanted to forget all about him.
But now it's impossible, I can't deny that I've fallen for him.

I can't make up excuses and pretend that all the dates and sex didn't mean anything to me, because they did.

" I can't even believe these feelings myself. I've never felt this way about any girl before, they were all just a piece of ass to me and for awhile, you were too but I was hiding the truth, hiding the fact that I want you for more than just sex, I want you Ayla. In every way possible, as my girlfriend, as the girl of my dreams," he took a deep breath and glanced down at the floor.

I listened to every word he spoke as happy tears escaped and ran down my cheeks.
No one has even spoken like this to me, not even my dad.

I wanted to say something, to tell him that I felt the same way but I couldn't. My mind was at a blank.

He cleared his throat and nervously laughed. He was shifting in his spot and I could tell he wasn't used to this. He showed actual feelings, sweet ones at that.

He took my hands in his and ran his thumb over the back of my hands in a soothing manner.

" Vince I-" I wanted to tell him that I felt the same way but he just nervously kept rambling.
" and I know I'm not the best person ever but that's just who I am. I'll change for you, if that's what it takes."

" I want to spoil you, treat you like the queen you are. God I sound like such a pussy right now. But please let me prove to you that I really do feel this way about you." He finished with a sigh, his eyes looked at me pleadingly.

The sight was enough to make my heart beat wildly, and thankfully I had stopped crying. But this side of him, it was my new favorite side.

I've never seen it before, he always held that possessive, dominant aura and showed to emotion to anyone- only when he faked it.

I loved that other side of him, but this one was adorable. He was vulnerable, showing genuine emotion.

I want him to be this way around me, I don't want him to be closed off like he usually is. I want to know more about him, I want to be " his queen".

" I guess what I'm asking is... will you give me a chance to make you the happiest girl alive?" He whispered, a hushed, barely noticeable whisper.

I smiled, nibbling on my bottom lip. I was itching to be close to him once again, to feel his hot body against mine.

I wanted to throw myself at him and scream yes a million time, over and over again.

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