Treinta y tres

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It's been exactly 1 week since I have last seen Vince. Ever since we had aggressive sex in my office, 1 week since he cheated on his girlfriend with me
and I let him.

In total honesty, I'm glad we've been keeping our distance. I didn't want to feel more for him than I already do.

I've seen glimpses of him at business meetings and balls but it was only for a few seconds. I would refuse to look at him even though I felt his stares on me constantly.

I'd distract myself by getting into random conversation with strangers and texting/ calling Alex.

Long story short, I'm a coward. I'm hiding away from the notorious Vince Melbourne. Even if I wanted nothing more than to hug him, kiss him, look at him, or even let him have sex with me.

But then the blonde girlfriend came to mind, how he cheated on her, how she threatened me and I didn't listen. It was only a matter of seconds until she hired a hit man who will kidnap me once I'm leaving work and then then he'll take me to a warehouse where she will be there waiting and I would die by her own hands.

Calm down...

I shake off the obnoxious thoughts and focus my attention back to the Tv. I've been sitting here for about 3 hours, eating a whole box of pizza while watching Riverdale ( which I don't even like)

I guess It isn't watching if I wasn't focusing on it- which I wasn't. I was too busy thinking about Vince and bad things about his blonde girl.

The doorbell rung and a groan left my lips. I was too comfortable to get up and attend to whoever was at the door.

Unfortunately for me,My father sent all the maids home so there was no one to open the door. I lazily stood up from my comfortable position on the couch and stretched my body.

I didn't even feel how sore i was until now. My neck, my back, my legs, it was all cramping from the weirdly comfortable position I was in.

I emerged from the living room that was luckily close to the door and looked into the peep whole. I gasped and fumbled with the lock.

" Holy shit, TARA," I squealed once the door fully opened. " surprise!" She yelled back as I flung myself to her tall and well built body, causing her to stumble back from the impact.

" Jesus," she breathed out laughing at my childish antics, " you know you don't weight like a child right?" She asks with a giggle.

I faked hurt and pulled myself back, " are you calling me fat?" I joked with a pout. She just smiled at me, " you're far from fat but whatever you wanna think." She said while wrapping her arms around my shoulder and pulling my body flush against hers.

" so how was Japan?!" I ask, we enter my house closing the door behind us.
She smiles even wider at my questions. " god, it was so amazing! The view, the food!" She sighed dreamily as she continued to ramble on about her vacation.

I nodded and hummed along to her words as we went to my room side by side her telling me everything she could tell about Japan.


Hours and hours later, Tara and I found ourselves worn out, sprawled out on my bed at 7pm. Now don't get ahead of yourselves, the sweating and tiredness aren't from sex.

We made some drastic, last minute decision to workout so we can get rid of the weight we put on after eating all that crap today.

She looked as skinny as ever while I looked like a pig, but she still insisted on joining me on the workout.

Tara is what you call a... workout freak. She has been going to the gym, doing exercises ever since she was young. So she had a way higher stamina and energy than me.

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