Treinta y uno

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Something a lil different... ( another chapter because I'm just THAT amazing * blows kisses* 😌 and I just wanna be done with this book lmfaoo)

Vince's POV:

She fell towards on my chest and snuggled her face on my shoulder- her hot breath hitting my neck, giving me goosebumps.

Slowly, he breathing started getting slower meaning that she was starting do drift off. I didn't move or do anything.

I knew she was tired, maybe I went too hard on her but I couldn't stop myself from doing the things I did go her.

It's in my nature- I've always been dominant, I love pleasuring girls but most importantly I liked punishing them.

I liked tying, spanking, teasing, etc... It's just something I've been into for as long as I can remember.

I've never felt bad for doing any of those things to any of the other girls I've had a sexual encounter with, but Now I do.

Not to Sarah, but to Ayla. She was different, innocent but she still had a freaky side. It was hidden, a side of her that I think only I have seen.

When I hit her butt with my belt 15 times, I wasn't thinking. My mind wasn't in the right place and I know that no excuse but that's not the point.

The point is that now I feel bad- something I've never felt towards any other girl.

I glanced down at her, she looked so peaceful. I knew she was in pain and I wanted to do anything I could to help relieve it.

Her cute nose was scrunched up as she shifted every now and then in my arms. Her hair was in a messy bun at the top of her head, all I have to say is that it was very neat before I got here.

I sighed and ran my hands up and down her bare back. My eyes traveled down to her bottom, where they were a deep red.

I scrunched my eyebrows together and clenched my jaw.

There it was again. That feeling of regret.

Get it together Vince. Don't feel bad, she deserved it.

I kept telling myself that over and over again but that did nothing.

I still wanted to cuddle her, to go on dates and mostly importantly; to cherish her. Deep down, I knew I had a small crush on her.

All of the previous girls I've been with meant nothing. It was just sex with no strings attached. Simple as that.

And then Ayla came. I felt myself becoming attached to her, addicted to her presence. I caught myself multiple times thinking about her when I was either alone or fucking someone else.

There was no doubt in my mind that I felt something for the girl laying in my arms but I don't want to admit it out loud.

When I called her friend, Alex, earlier and asked questions about her, he accidentally let something slip.

He told me that Ayla loved me.

Love was such a strange word to me. I haven't loved or been loved in a very long time.

I sighed standing up with Ayla still wrapped around me like a sloth is a attached to a tree. God, even these corny thoughts.

I realized that I was still inside of her just then. I spotted a couch on the far end of the room and walked towards it.

I pulled out of her and delicately lowered her into the comfortable looking furniture.

I froze when She groaned, moving just a little bit but thankfully didn't wake up.

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