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Guess what day it is... Thursday.

And guess what's happening on Thursday?

I'm going back to New York.

I don't know how to feel really. Yeah I would miss Vince and all that L.A had to give but I also miss New York, Alex, and Tara.

Vince and I spent the last 3 days we had left together.

We did all sorts of things; We went out on dates, we went to the beach and a few other stuff.

Let's just say the last few days were on of the best days of my life.

It's not everyday that I get to get some time for myself and enjoy it with someone I like. Especially with a controlling dad like mine and the company.

So now, after 2 amazing weeks, I was on the airplane all buckled up and ready to get back to NYC.

Leaving Vince at the airport was hard. We've both grown so attached to each other and saying goodbye made my heart hurt.

I guess I've grown a little too attached. He probably just acted like he care when I was in sight, but cheered loudly once I boarded the plane.

He's probably partying, having shots with his old friends and fucking some beautiful girl who's his age.

Stop it Ayla. Keep it together.

I inhaled and exhaled like my childhood therapist told me too when I was going off the rails, spiraling and babbling a lot.

One of the many perks of having daddy issues.

I Laid back on the airplane seat and closed my eyes. I didn't get much sleep considering me and Vince um... let's say we did a lot of exercise in bed.

Now you may be wondering... why am I in a public Airplane, and not on my private jet?

Well let's just leave it at the most selfish and careless person in the world; my amazing father.

I sighed and adjusted myself on the annoying uncomfortable seat. Jesus Christ, were these things made of rock?

I pushed my chest forward in order to pop something but was disappointed when I didn't hear the cracking sound.

I slumped back on my seat and tried to close my eyes and sleep.

Just then some child started screeching and crying loudly somewhere in the back.

" UGH!" I groaned rubbing my hands on my face.


I got off the plane with crazy hair, and back hurting due to the horrible position I slept in, dragging my bags behind me.

I got 0 sleep, Nada, for half of the flight because of the obnoxious child and the pervert sitting next to me.

And this is why I take private planes or jets.

I would probably be getting on the plane looking fabulous, a cute dress on, my hair styled beautifully...


Okay calm down Ayla breathe...

I scowled at the little voice in the back of the head and kept walking around the crowded place for the driver that my father supposedly sent out to come get me.

And he better be here because I can't take another moment standing or in this place.

Call me grumpy but I can't stand the public. I like my peace, I like calm places, I liked not being bothered.

And most importantly, I liked my good night sleep.

I stopped and looked around the place, I spotted a guy in a suit holding up a sign that said " Anderson Co."

I rolled my eyes at the same. Of course he would put Co. and not my name.

With a sigh, I walked up to the tall man.

" are you Ayla Anderson?" He asked in a monotone voice. He glanced at me just as I nodded.

He grabbed my suit cases and bags and put them in the trunk of the SUV.

Desperate to get inside the silent, comfortable car, I reached to open the door but my hand was quickly pushed away.

The man- Gregg to be more exact- opened the door and motioned for me to get in.

I gave him a stupid look and scowled, I could've easily opened the damn door myself. I'm not fucking paralyzed or whatever.

With uneasy steps, I jumped on the seat and let out a content sigh.

" fuck yes!" I smiled laying back to my seat. My legs spread out in front of me to stretch.

I saw the driver Gregg glance at me as if I just did the stupidest thing ever, I locked my eyes with his and gave him an intimidating look As if to say, ' what bitch'

We had a little competition, we both kept our gazes at each other for as long as I can comprehend.

Finally, he looked away and shook his head with a smile.

I smirked In satisfaction and close my eyes.


3 hours later, we were pulling up to the long driveway that lead up to my house.

I had woken up to Gregg blasting kids bop on the radio. He said it was an accident which I highly doubted by looking at the smug look on his face.

He didn't seem bothered by the death looks I was sending him through the rear view mirror.

But I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed his company. He made the long drive less dreadful even though he was doing it in the worst way possible.

Just as he turned off the engine of the car, I sprinted out of the car and ran towards my favorite person.

" HEY BITCH!!" He squealed as I jumped into his arms.

" I missed your phat ass so much," I joked still hugging him. Alex was far from fat, he was skinny and had fast metabolism- lucky hoe.

Calling each other phat was a joke between us, neither of us got offended.

He pulled away from the hug with an exited face.
" come on miss Anderson, Spill the Mother fucking tea!"

Without waiting for a response, He dragged me inside of my home and up the stairs effortlessly.

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