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oh goodness i have no idea where this chapter came from but then I was thinking about this 'what if' concept and I just had to do it! we deserved to see lexie in dark blue scrubs being mer's sister and being by her side. there are so many what-ifs in this show that i would love to see explored. so many.

this ended up being way longer than i planned. it's a gift for my long hiatus. and thank you thank you thank you to the people who have been recently spamming me with likes and comments!! it makes me so happy :)

The multiverse theory says there is an infinite number of parallel worlds in our universe. That would mean that each decision we make creates another slightly different world. Each decision we make or path we take changes us slightly.

I stopped to wonder what the person I would have become would have been. Life is just a bunch of what ifs.

What if. What if. I realized though, that the person I would have become would have been nothing like the person that I am. I wouldn't have met the people that became my family, I wouldn't have met the people that changed me for better or for worse. Each and every person I've met has made some sort of an impact on my life, whether good or bad. The bad times shaped me into a better person. I've become tougher. I'd like to hope I've become wiser. I made memories. The good people. So, we'll never know. We can imagine, but we'll never know what could have been, had we gone left instead of right. Turned instead of going straight. Spoke what was on our mind instead of holding it in. What if. What if?

"Tell Meredith I love her, and that she was a good sister."

Lexie wheezed. She could feel her body shutting down. She could hear Mark talking to her, saying that they were meant to be. But she just thought of her baby girl. Of the baby girl she was never going to meet. Why didn't she try harder? To find her girl. She was dying for god's sake.

She'd closed her eyes for maybe five seconds until she could feel someone else grasping at her hand. "Lex? Lex? Do you hear me?" Oh god, it was Meredith! Her big sister was there, muttering a bunch of medical terms to Mark, the ones about her condition. Pneumothorax. Her body ceasing function. A punctured lung.

Meredith. She needed to tell Meredith. Open your eyes, Grey.

"Mer-mer..." She wheezed. Her sister squeezed her hand in response.

"I'm here, Lex."

"Mer..." here it goes. Wheeze. "I have a daughter. She...she's... twelve or thirteen now. My...my... parents wouldn't let me... keep... her. Please...find..."

Mer just nodded. "Okay. I got you. I always will." Oh god, Meredith was crying. She was crying about her baby sister crushed by a plane. When they'd met, Lexie didn't think her sister was capable of crying, and there she was, crying over her.

A sudden wind blowing over Meredith caused her to look ahead. "Oh my god. We're saved!" She glanced back down at Lexie. "Don't quit on me now. You're not dying today. Understand?"

"Lexie!" Meredith screamed, clutching Bailey in her arms. She heard the thud of the stairs and then her kid sister turned that corner with Zola right behind her.


"We're gonna be late." Meredith tried to shepherd her kids towards the car with Lexie right behind her. The two of them funneled the kids in the back before pulling out of the driveway.

It was a couple years later, and Lexie had completely forgotten about the secret she'd spilled under the plane. That is to say she forgot she told Meredith. She thought about it every day but fell into the rhythm that it was too late to do anything.

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