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I remember having read a few fanfics where Amber is about 16 or 17 and Alex takes her in. However, I made the choice to bring her in here because Cassie needs a person. This is Cassie's story. I prewrote some chapters where this story crosses over into private practice, but I don't know when, where and if I'll put them in.

The stereotype thing we all hear is that everything happens for a reason. When people misinterpret your actions, take something good and turn it into something bad, and shove you lower than you thought possible, it's not hard to believe that you'd question why it happened. Why you're in that position. Why you. What did you do to deserve this? Why. I've been asking myself this a lot these last couple of days. People jump to conclusions. They're more than ready to assume the worst of you. And what do you do? What do you do when you're backed into a corner? What do you do when everyone turns on you? Fight back. Show them you're stronger than what they thought. And don't stop fighting. Everything will be okay in the end. There is a definitive purpose in each event that tries us; we just don't know it at the time. Figuring it out is the hard part. It's the fight. Don't ever give up that fight.  

Maggie's alarm clock went off precisely at 6 o'clock, as it always did. She woke up, started the coffee pot, and took a shower.

Alex woke up an hour later, taking the first cup of the coffee, making lunches for the kids, and pulling out the cereal and milk. He woke up Bailey, got Ellis, and went to wake Zola, but then realized she wasn't in her bed. A little panicked, he was relieved to find Zola cuddling with Cassie in her bed. Cassie's arm was draped across Zola, and Zola was almost completely immersed in Cassie's stomach. It was adorable, and in true Uncle Alex fashion, he snapped a picture and sent it to Meredith.

Cassie's phone alarm went off at that exact moment, waking up both of the girls. Alex darted out of the room before they realized he had been standing there with Ellis in his arms. He helped Bailey down the stairs, poured him a bowl of cereal, gave Ellis some yogurt chewies, and drank his coffee.

Cassie and Zola came bouncing down the stairs, Cassie suddenly aware that she was going to be late for school. She dumped some cereal into a mug, put some milk on top of it, grabbed a spoon and ran back up the stairs.

Zola took the cereal happily. "Cassie is my pic."

Alex furrowed a brow. "Am I supposed to know what that means?"

"It means partner in crime. I'm Cassie's partner in crime." Zola declared proudly.

"Cassie!" Alex screamed.

"What?" Cassie responded from upstairs.

"You're driving!"

"No, I'm not. I don't want to!"

"Well too bad! You're driving to school!"

"Why?" Cassie moaned. "I have PTSD! That makes me unreliable and dangerous."

"I don't care!" Alex responded, satisfied he had somewhat won the fight. "Take your brother upstairs and brush your teeth." He mentioned towards Zola. Alex bounced Ellis some more, going upstairs to put her in some play clothes. He got everyone ready, buckled into car seats, and situated himself into the passenger seat. Cassie came later, in a sweatshirt, leggings and a ponytail. She grumbled, handing Alex her backpack and taking the keys from him.

She hesitated slightly. She could die. Driving could kill you. But so could standing. Breathing. It's easier to die than you would think. So maybe driving would be okay. She took a deep breath, putting the keys in the ignition. And she drove. There were no bumps in the road (both literally and figuratively.) Alex handed her her backpack once she was double parked outside of school, and she walked in, ready for her first day of Med Academy.

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