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As humans, we find ourselves falling into the same patterns. It's not because we want to, it's because it's what we're used to. Once we fall into a routine, we tend to stick to it until we're thrown a curve ball that forces us to change. And even when we get that our first instinct is to fight it. We don't want change. And the pattern never truly stops. We will always go back to it, even if it hurts us. Even when it hurts us. That's why human nature, human routine, makes us prone to something we can fight until we, eventually, give in.

Alex was assigned to the girl's case along with Torres and Shepherd. He hadn't been in the surgery, there hadn't been any need, but he had made sure to make it clear that he would be the one to check on her most frequently. Both of them had disagreed, but he made it clear that he was doing it for his person.

Meredith had already suffered so much. He couldn't stand watching her get hurt over and over. Her sister died. Her person ditched her for Switzerland. Her husband left her alone to raise their kids. She ran away and had a surprise baby...

He needed to find out what this girl was like. If she was the type to go around asking questions about Meredith and Lexie, then he would tell her to stick it. No one messed with his person.

He strolled into her room a few hours after the surgery. She was awake, staring out the window. His heart skipped a beat. Lexipedia.

He cleared his throat. "I'm Doctor Karev. I understand that you were in a car crash. You had some damage, but it was all fixed in surgery. You have a long road to recovery in front of you." He paused, letting out a breath. "But if you're anything like I think you are, you were coming to this hospital for a reason."

The girl turned to look at him, and her eyes met his relatively cold ones. He was a good doctor, he was good with kids, but right now he was unsure if he could trust this one.

"You know who I am." Was what came out of her mouth. "Why is Dr. Grey avoiding me?"

"She's not..."

The teenage girl glared back in response. "Dark and twisty. I know. Can you please ask her to come meet me? It would mean a lot to me..." She looked away. "And then I will leave, and she can just forget I ever existed."

Alex grumbled in response. "I don't know what you want from her but leave her alone. She's a lot stronger and a lot tougher than you think. She won't take crap from you too. She's had enough secret siblings to last her a lifetime."

"You think this was what I wanted? To get into a car crash and break my leg and undergo major brain surgery? Some idiots hit me driver's side on my way over here! I wanted twenty minutes with Meredith, not as long as it takes for them to discharge me!"

Alex just stared back at her. "I will tell her, but no promises."

"Dr. Karev, she's my family. And I think she's the family that I am supposed to end up with. I don't know much about her, or my mom, but I think I'm meant to be here. We're meant to be together."

Alex looked back at her. "Okay." He turned around and walked out of the room.


"Mer." Alex started, walking up to her as she leaned on the counter, looking at a patient chart and chatting with Edwards. She looked up and saw his 'we need to talk' face.

"Make sure his stats stay in the normal levels. Page me if anything changes." Stephanie nodded and walked away, glancing between Alex and Meredith.

"What did you find out?"

Alex scratched his head. "Give her a chance Mer. For Lexie."

"Did I ever say I wasn't going to?" Meredith smirked, walking away.

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