Chapter 11

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"Hey, what are you thinking about we were both nominated but to be sincere I want you and Kace to win" said Charlotte
"What about you?" I asked
"My love story is known in the school but yours is about to be known" she said
I smiled as I hugged her just then Andrea joined us
"So what are all this emotional stuff going on here"she asked
"Well nothing just talking about the prom that all" I said
"Ulika I will like to tell you something"said Andrea
"What's is it am all hears"I said
"Ok, so since the prom is coming on in the next two days why don't you try something new on" she said
"But I wear new things everyday" I said
"No I don't mean that I mean you should try and look colourful I know you love white which is your favorite colour but yet try something new and leave everyone in a shock"she said
"That true ulika wear something new I will really be looking forward to see you wear a coloured dress"said Charlotte
"But I am not really into colour"I said
"We know we will love to help you but we want to see your taste so I think you are on this alone"they said as they leaved
I thought of what they said in which I know is true but I don't have any coloured dress in my wardrobe maybe I should go for shopping tomorrow I thought but I can't go alone and first I need to know kace best colour I tried to ask Andrew and Maxwell since they where both Kace's best friend I walked towards Maxwell and Andrew where they were talking
"Sorry, excuse me I will like to talk to the both of you" I said
"Ok" they said as we left the class to the corridor to talk
"Hmmmmmm,since the both of you are close to kace I will like to ask you both a question"I said
"Go on am listening"said Maxwell
"So am really sorry to distrubing you but do you know what Kace's best colour is?" I asked but I just tried to grab the confidence they both turned to each other as they both smiled
"Kace best colour is red, but why ask" said Andrew
"Nothing I was just curious thanks" I said as I walked down the hallway
One more day to the prom night but yet I got nothing to wear I got to class everyone were talking about there dress and shoes but I didn't have anything to wear Charlotte and Andrea walked towards my chair
"So are you ready for the prom"said Andrea
"No, I am not you guys have left me in a tight spot"I said trying to make them sympathise with me
"Am ready for the prom as soon as I enter the prom room all eyes will be on me"said Andrea who was dreaming about the prom so I decided to leave school early since we weren't having class I told my driver to take me to the mall I went to three good malls but still didn't find the perfect cloth I decided to go to the mall I buy my dresses from as soon as I got there
"Welcome Miss Ulika let me take you to your section"said the receptionist
"Hmm no, am not actually buying a white dress today"I said the receptionist looked at me in surprise
"Ok ma'am, this way" she said directing me to other
section after all the chioce's I made I finally picked a dress
"Thank God,I thought I was going to spend the night here" mummered the receptionist I turned and smiled " Ma'am is this the dress you want" she asked as she smiled"Yes you can pack that up with this shoes thanks" I said as I was going through the store maybe I could buy more clothes "Sorry I think I prefer it if you could call me ulika rather than ma'am and please I will like to have your phone number when next I am coming here I will give you a call I like your company" I said as I collected my dress and shoe from her and I left some tips on the table "Thanks ulika, I also enjoy your company bye" she said "Bye" I said as i shut the door behind me I got to my car feeling exhausted as soon as I got home I slept not caring the time I wake up in the morning.

I woke up in the morning just to realize that it was 10:00am in the morning that means I missed my alarm f**k i was very tired yesterday I got up from bed went straight to the mirror and smiled as I went to the bathroom and soaked myself in the bathtub I got out feeling more refreshed I grabbed my robe and tied a towel on my hair I got to my room as one of my maid placed a cup of coffee on my table I took and sip and knew I was ready for the day I dried my hair and packed it and decided to wear a yellow gown to school and come back home to change for prom I got to school Charlotte and Andrea where surprised to see me in a coloured dress
"Wow you look pretty" said Andrea
"You look gorgeous" said Charlotte
"Thanks" I said
"Kace, needs to see this "said Charlotte as she winked at me I got to the class really aspecting to see kace but he wasn't in school he was only going to attend the prom and the prom starts from 10:00pm some people were changing in school but I and my best friends went my house to change but they didn't see my dress because they left early I got to school the prom as started the music was loud I was also in the mood to dance as soon as I entered the hall all eye were on me Andrea and Charlotte ran towards me as they gave me a tight hug I hugged them back I wasn't in the mood to dance as I walked in I decided to stroll round the school as I went to the third floor I kept admiring the stars they look beautiful and cute I thought as I smiled I felt a touch on my waist I knew it was kace as he used his arms to cuddle my waist "You look beautiful" he said as he smiled I smiled as I hugged him I whispered softly in his ears"You look handsome" as we both giggled I think it's time to go inside he said we both walked in at the right time as soon we got in they were just about to announce the prom king and queen
"The prom king goes to Kace Randall" said Mr Linden as everyone clapped and made way for Kace to go to the stage
"And our prom queen for this night goes to Miss Ulika Connor I was so happy as I walked to the stage they placed the tiara on my head and sash around my shoulder and placed the crown on kace head and sash around his shoulder
"May I have the honor of dancing with you" said Kace smiling
" Sure"I said as my checks were turning red I took my palm as he placed it on his shoulder and placed his hand around my waist
"I really love your dress"he said
"Thanks" I said blushing
" How did you know my best colour was black and red " he asked out of curiosity
"I may have asked for a little help"I giggled soon we were all done dancing some were drank and were kissing while some were making out in the corner of the hall I took pictures with my besties and some other people then I finally decided to go home since the party will soon be over I got home really tired from all the dance but I really loved the night I went off to bed think of everything that happened in the night

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Please share and vote also comment I love u all 😘😍

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Yh this was the dress I wore to prom 🤩🤩.

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