Chapter 23

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   I used my legs to hit the door I took a step forward feeling burns  in my body I looked down and noticed that holy water was at the door step which means won't be able to pass the door I moved back already feeling weak due to what had happened on the battlefield but I still couldn't get the thought of my family not being with me out of my head aunt Charlotte was slowly gaining her consciousness I just thought that even if I end up going back I will end up getting beaten and becoming Jason's slave I sat on the bed this time my head was between my hands I still couldn't get to connect to my wolf cause I wasn't trained like this I didn't even know that I was a wolf till what happened on the battlefield my life is just in a mess right now I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks aunt Charlotte got up to comfort me in no time I fell asleep she gently placed the blanket over my body.

"I wonder how Ulika and Kace with Bella doing I have to train Mai in other for her to get her family back"Charlotte said while sitting at the edge of the bed.

Before I continue let me talk about Charlotte and Andrea they became a vampire and wolf as soon as that happened they received training which lead to them having their pack which they also decided to train others who are in there pack.

I woke up the next day, going into the bathroom to freshen up some maid I think not sure brought a green dress with belt and also breakfast I ate and went in search of my mom's friends I stepped out of the room realizing that my parents friends can't be the only one leaving here I kept on admiring the interior of the building I got out to see some wearing green some white,black,red,yellow I was just wondering what the use of wearing this colors were I turned just to bump into a guy he looked at least two years older than me I could say he his handsoooome let's leave it like that he stretched his hand towards me I gently placed my hand in his helping me get up

"Am sorry for that"he said.
"No problem" I said still dusting my dress.
"Are you new here?"he asked while trying to adjust his clothes he was putting on red but I didn't even mind asking
"Yes, I am" I said looking at the handsome boy standing in front of me I tapped my head to snap out of whichever thought was coming it's way.

"Well I'm Micheal by the way" he said stretching his hand forward for an handshake
"I'm Mia by the way"I said placing my hand in his "Michael!!!"we could hear from a distance I could see aunt Charlotte walking towards us
"Hey"she said placing her forehead on Michael's forehead. Is this the way of greeting one another in their pack I thought not knowing that I was already giggling out loud.

   Aunt Charlotte and Michael looked at themselves then turned to my direction Michael raised his eyebrows trying to ask me why I was giggling to myself
"It's nothing" I said coughing to look more serious
" Well this is my son Michael, which am sure you have already met"she said patting him on his shoulder.
" I will let him show you around and get familiar with everyone here and if you need anything feel free to meet him he his just like your elder brother"she said
" Older brother"I asked before laughing he actually looked older than me and a bit taller than me but I don't want to believe he his my older brother
"I am four years older than you" he replied folding his arms
"Well if I find any information about your family I will let you know" she said before leaving

   Hearing the word family broke my heart into infinity pieces tears just made their way I was literally crying I just remembered that Mic was still here I wiped and damp my face in other for him not to notice cause he was busy talking to some people
"Mia so what will you like to know about me" he said while turning me to face him.
" What do you mean by you?"I asked trying my best to make my voice sound as normal as possible
" Were you crying" he asked looking confused not knowing what to do
" No, cry why"I said turning and walking towards the swing
"Ok if you say so" he said also sitting on the swing this time
"Why don't you tell me why everyone are putting on different colors of clothes"I asked standing up to help him push his swing
" Well it to identify everyone..." he said before I interrupted him
" Identify meaning I thought everyone here are wolves"I said demonstrateing with my hands
" Yes, well this is the pack for wolves the one for vampire is just a little walk from here which aunt Andrea is the one leading them, then for the clothes it's according to your training green is the lowest followed by yellow then red, black and white " he said grabbing a bottle of water from his bag to drinking
" So this means I have a long way to go" I said while frowning
" No need to worry I will help you with your training" he said standing up
"Well it seems you are popular around the girls here "I said seeing most of the girls looking at him some were holding gift maybe to give him not sure
"You could say that since am the son of the Luna after all" he said raising his eyebrows which made me smile he at least made me feel better like I still had someone in my life to rely on
"Hi Michael it's me Michelle" she said hold a box of chocolates
"Hey" he said
"Well what her you doing with a greener?" she said giving those  looks, if looks could kill I would have dropped dead by her looks she looks like a really arrogant one
"Excuse me" he said grabbing my hands and leaving.

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