Chapter 7

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Then Lizzy went to Olivia's room in other to apologize but she wasn't there she went to Kace's room he wasn't there either as she walked on the corridor she as Olivia and Kace in my room as we were playing all I wished was to become small and enjoy my life again Lizzy peeped and saw how happy we were she left to her room and packed her bag she wrote a letter as she dropped it on the center table as she left because of how me Olivia and Kace were playing we didn't know that Lizzy was gone
"Ulika I will like to take you somewhere"said Kace
"Where exactly"I asked out of curiosity
"Get dressed and you will know"as he left and shut the door behind him. After I was done having my bath I got dressed as I went downstairs to meet kace,so as Olivia she braided her hair in two ponytails and she wore yellow mini gown and a white flat shoe. As we got to the car I received a call from Charlotte
"Hey,how you doing"I said
"Good, so hope you are spending time with Kace"said Charlotte as I got into the car
"No!!!,you are misunderstanding it all but we are actually going out"I said smiling
"Hmmmm, tell me more"said Charlotte laughing over the phone
"Sorry,got to hang up"I said as I hanged up the phone not allowing Charlotte to talk
"Who were you talking to just now?"said Kace
"Why do you really care?"I said facing him
"Nothing just wanted to know"he said as he turned to focus on the road
"That was actually Charlotte"I said taking my phone and headphone in other to listen to"BOOMBAYA" by Blackpink in the process I dozed off
As soon as I woke up I met myself in front of a huge mansion it look so beautiful Olivia tapped me
"Hey, lets look around"she said as she pulled me by my right arm I removed her palm from my arm
"What about Kace, where his he"I said
"He is inside the mansion he his having meeting with some of the vampires in our family"she said holding my hands
"Ohh, since when have this mansion been built"I asked out of curiosity
"I think more than twenty thousand years ago"she said smiling
"And it is still well painted"I asked
"It is repainted every three months"she said
"Ok"I said
We thought of moving around in other to check how things work around there as we were going I saw a old man whose walking stick was on the floor trying to get it I decided to help him
"Stretch your palm forward"he said
"Why, sir"I asked out of curiosity
"My name is David and I am a psychic"he said as I stretched my right palm forward he placed his index finger in the middle of my palm he bowed his head down as soon as he started rubbing his finger on my palm his pupil were no where to be found as I removed my palm from his finger Olivia was just watching everything that was happening in surprise
"You are a wolf"he said
"Yes, I am"I said as I turned to look at Olivia she was very surprised because all this while she thought I was an human
"You are totally different from the others because your mate is a vampire"he said
"Sir, you must be mistaking please check again"I said

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