Taking it

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It was a regular day at the Fairytail guild.People drinking, Natsu and Gray starting a fight causing others to join and then smashing Erza's strawberry cake causing her to join and others just talking. Lucy was sitting at the bar having a conversation with Mira.

"So Lucy do you like anyone?" Mira asked.

"No Mira I don't," lucy stated with a straight face

"Oh so u dont like Natsu do you?" Mira asked evilly.

"WHAT!?!?! no no no I dont!" Lucy exclaimed .

With an evil smile Mira said, " you sure I know you liiiiiiiike hiiiiiiiiiiim."

"Yay another Happy joy." Lucy said sarcastically " Ok I might like him a little."

"Is there something else?" Mira asked getting up in Lucy's face.

"Ok, Ok I really like him! There are you happy now?!" Lucy's said loud but not enough for others to hear except the dragon slayers
With the dragon slayers

Natsu's P.O.V

I was over at the request board looking for a job for Team Natsu to go on.I had just gotten the perfect job when I hear Lucy talking to Mira about who she likes so I started to eavesdrop. I didn't make a lot of stuff out because of all the noise but I think she likes me. A blush started to form on my cheeks and my whole face was red like a cherry. I really like Lucy too, but I dont know if that was all true mabye ill ask her out during the mission, Natsu ponderd. I grabbed the request off board and went over to where Mira and Luce were.

"Hey Luce I found a great job!"

"What is it Natsu"

"All we have to do is defeat a whole bunch of bandits in a town call Bluewater."

"I've heard of that town before I have heard its really pretty with the beach next to it, how many jewels will they give us?" Lucy asked.

"It says as much as we need for defeating them." Nastu said with a big grin on his face

"Wow they must be tough to beat but I know we can do it right Natsu?"


"Natsu got find Erza,Gray, and Wendy." 

"Ok" Natsu said.

"Mira we will take it."

Mira took the request and stamped it and wrote it down in the big book of requests.

"Ill send a magic letter to the mayor of the town saying you will be there in 3 days ok lucy." Mira said

"Ok Mira I will see you when we get back I am gonna go pack."

"Ok lucy just be careful on this mission."

"We will bye Mira!"

No ones P.O.V

With that lucy left to go pack for the trip without realizing that something terrible will happen on this mission.


Hey everyone I know this was sorta short but I hope u liked it and i will gladly accept any feedback u r willing to give me thanks! -fairytail_teamNatsu

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