💎 2 ~ White Lies Of A Brown Girl ~ 2 💎

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My second book on the list so far is White Lies Of A Brown Girl by ScarlettBlackDaisy and it's absolutely amazing!

It's only got one chapter so far but already in that chapter you're introduced to a small range of diverse characters and you get a really good view into Parisa's life and her views and opinions which is a pretty big aspect of the book.

Description: Pakistani social worker Parisa Khan has too many strong opinions to count. Labeled a feminist by some and a conservative by others, she doesn't conform to the hypocritical social standards she's tired of seeing. Despite the warnings of her mother that no Pakistani man will tolerate her ideologically rebellious nature, she's hell-bent on standing up for the rape and acid-burn victims that come to the free counseling service at her NGO. And then what about her tireless efforts to improve the status of the transgender community?


Getting married to a man with his own burdens and strong opinions, she finds herself caught between everything she believes and everything she wants. Hiding his suicidal past and bipolar present, Ahsan Ali is more than the charming and polite man who recently quit his job in Canada and moved back to Pakistan for his wedding. 

The more time she spends with Ahsan, Pari begins to question everything in her mind, life, and society. 

Why can't she love her husband and also herself? Why can't she be a good Muslim but still talk openly about sexual exploitation? Why can't she stand up for women while still realizing that men are victims too?

Why can't she be herself instead of being boxed into categories?

Maybe because nobody and nothing can. Maybe because life is more than the achromatic shades of black and white.

Maybe because she's a brown girl telling white lies.

Warning: The story is set in Pakistan and discusses controversial beliefs and patterns in the South-Asian region. I'm sure Indians and Bengalis will also be able to relate to much of it, and Muslims from all over the world. The story contains controversial debates about religion, culture, sex, feminism, and mental health. If you like philosophical debates and strong opinions, hop on in. The story, however, does not represent Pakistan or Islam in any way and is only side of the picture.

The writing is very descriptive and high standard, and I'd definitely recommend giving this book a read! I already know the author is going to tackle some important topics in it and I think that it will have a message in it that everyone should hear when it's completed.

Another thing I love is that the author has mentioned at the end that you're opinion doesn't have to match hers and that it's ok, and I really love that because I know that there are authors out there who would definitely get very defensive of what other people think of any of the opinions stated in the book.

Not to mention that ScarlettBlackDaisy has thousands of followers, books with hundreds of thousands of reads and she still interacts with her readers and respects them and responds to comments which I think is amazing considering that there are definitely authors out there who are not like that at all and have very little respect for the people reading their stories.

-Your Favourite Aussie, Brooke xx

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