Chapter 17:

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A Week Later....(Thanksgiving Day)
Smoov's P.O.V.
I can't believe that today makes fifteen years, I was seven, Ry (Ryleigh, my big sister) was eight...The moment still replays in my head, even when I try my hardest to block it out.....

"C'mon Ryleigh and Romell (Smoov's real name)!" mom yelled, stepping out of the front door.

Me and Ry stepped out of the room we shared, and ran to the front door to see mom standing there looking irritated.

"I told you two to come on, what took so long?".

Me nor Ry replied, and she rolled her eyes before saying "Lets go, and it better be some milk in this store or ima' be pissed".

We walked out of our front door, and out of our apartment building, down the sidewalk, and to the corner store. Today was Thanksgiving, and we needed some milk to finish up the rest of the food. On the way there we spotted Zaya and Torrez, our cousins sitting on the front steps of their apartment complex.

Ry began to jump up and down "Can we sit with Zay, and Torrez, and you come get us when you're done at the store?".

"You're gonna' see Zaya and Torrez later today along with the rest of your cousins".

"I know, but please mommy!!".

She sighed "Fine, but do not leave Zaya's and nem'house, you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am" we both yelled before running off to them.

When Zaya and Torrez saw us, they smiled "Hey guys".

"Wassup" we replied.

We chilled on the front steps for about 15 more minutes, wondering where momma was at, it shouldn't be taking her this long. When we heard multiple gun shots go off we ran into their apartment building, not thinking anything of it...we live in Compton, this is nothing new to us.

We heard police sirens, and Zaya sighed "I wonder what happened now".

"Prolly another robbery". Torrez said

"Or sum' gang shit" Ryleigh added.

We began a game of Uno as we waited for momma to come pick us up, but then our Aunt Crystal, Zaya's and Torrez's mom ran out of her bedroom with a frantic look on her face.

"What's wrong Ma?" Torrez asked her concern.

She gave us a look of pity "Th-Those gunshots were-Romell, and Ry, your mom was-".

"Our mom was what?"Ryleigh asked as she stood up.

Aunt Crystal began to cry"Caught in the middle of a drive-by...she-she's..dead..."...

Those words have been ringing in my head ever since that day...November 22, 2007.......

Me, Ry, dad, Bonz Ry's boyfriend, Zaya, Rubi Zaya's girlfriend, Torrez, Bank, Aunt Crystal, and Bank's mom were standing at her grave...We've been spending our thanksgivings like this ever since that day, and since me and Bank got hella' tight, he and his mother have been here with us too...Keshawn also used to join before he passed...

Ry wrapped her arms around me for a hug, and she sniffled "I miss her so damn much".

I softly rubbed her back "I do too Ry...I do too".

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