Chapter 14:

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2 Weeks Later...
Tori's P.O.V.

I picked up my phone, and discretely looked at it. I was in class, and for sum' reason Bella was blowing me up.

Bella: Tori

Bella: Toriiii

Bella: Natorian ik u see ya fucking phone

Bella: Nigga

Bella: Notorian text me back

Me: Wtf do u want, I'm in class??

Bella: Ik, and I'm sorry, but I need u to come home

Me: Bro, what do u not understand about I'm in class??

Bella: Find a way to get here, but do it now

Me: What is going on? R u straight, bc if u r, I ain't coming home

Bella: No Tori, I'm not, now come


Me: Then say the shit

Bella: I will, when u come home

Me: My class is over in 15 mins, don't text me shit until then bc I aint gon' reply

I put my phone back in my pocket, and caught up on the notes I missed from fucking around with Bella's aggrivating ass...It's like ever since that night with Fiji, I've been highly irritated with Bella for no reason to be honest...I began to try and focus on the rest of this class, but the memory of me and Fiji's moment keeps replaying in my mind...I honestly don't know why she seems to be insecure about her body because when I tell you she was beautiful everywhere, I mean that shit...

Tori's Flashback.......

I pulled Fiji's small body on top of me, never once disconnecting our lips. She pulled away, and so did I.

"We shouldn't be doing this" she whispered.

"You're right...we shouldn't, but..." I finished my sentence by connecting our lips once again. I then sat up, making her straddle my lap. I removed my lips from hers, and trailed them down her jawline, landing on her neck.

"Tori..." She whispered, I could tell she was holding in a moan.

"You wanted me to make it up to you, right?"

She gave me a look before giving into the feeling, and pulling my body closer to hers. I pulled away though, while softly sucked her earlobe "Use your words baby". I whispered

She let out a shaky breath "Yes".

"Mmm, all you hada' do was ask, and I woulda' been given you what you want".

With that I flipped us over, placing me on top. I pulled off my T-shirt before going down on her once again. As I made my way down her neck I lifted my hands up her shirt, pulling it off. Her nails raked through my waves as I trailed my tongue down her upper body. When I landed at her bra, I snapped that bitch with no hesitation, but for some reason she held it in place.

"Move your hand Fiji" I mumbled.

"But, I- I don't want you to think that I'm ugly or anything, I know I'm nothing like those girls you involve yourself body shape is nothing like theirs, and neither is my skin, I don't want you to look at me differently from now on-"

I cut her off "Shhhh Zo, move your hand"

After a few more seconds she let the bra fall between us, and I quickly threw it, letting it land when it landed. My hands soon moved down there, and I slowly pulled down her leggings, I was in awe at what I saw...shit was glisenting because she was so wet.

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