Chapter two

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Taehyung sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Slowly, he closed his eyes, sleep almost taking him over. He'd been up all night, tired was an understatement.

Hanbin, who had been released a month prior to Taehyung, rolled his eyes, passing Taehyung a pack of cigarettes, "C'mon, we ain't got all day, wake your ass up and keep counting. We're halfway done."

Taehyung, taking the pack of cigarettes, shot his eyes open, "Why can't you invite some of your buddy's, they can keep counting the money. We've been up all night for god sake, I'm tired." Taehyung's words were slurred. His eyes examined the pack of cigarettes handed to him, he had no idea what he was supposed to do with them.

Hanbin groaned, "look, you've been out, what? Four days? I'm just trying to teach you the basics of your new job. I mean..." Hanbin chuckled, taking the pack of cigarettes out of Taehyung's hands, " do have the hardest job, always gotta have shit on you." Hanbin took a cigarette out of the white pack, slipping it in between his fingers and lighting it.

Smoke slowly filled the room as Hanbin exhaled, "here." Hanbin said, passing the cigarette to Taehyung. Though Taehyung protested, putting his hands up in defense, "nah, I'm fine." He mumbled, pinching his nose in disgust.

Hanbin looked at Taehyung confused, "c'mon, don't be a wussy. It's just a cigarette, nothing serious." Taehyung just stared as he mentally debated whether to take the cigarette or not.

Though his prayers were answered when Hanbin retreated the cigarette, "Okay, okay, no need to take it right now. Next time though is a different story, just learn to live a little will you?" Hanbin smiled softly, "well then, if you're that tired let me get you the load." Hanbin stood up, grabbing a packet from under the couch, "it's all in there." He mumbled, passing the package to Taehyung.

Taehyung nodded, taking the hefty package out of Hanbin's hands, already used to being handed packages full of guns or drugs, both even. "Well then, I'll take my leave. Just ring me when you need me."

"Yeah, okay." Hanbin mumbled as he continued counting the money that'd been sitting on the glass table.

Taehyung groaned, dragging his feet across the pavement. He really wanted to go home and go to sleep, yet he had to drop off the package he'd been given.

It wouldn't take long, he knew that, all he had to do was drop the package off and collect the money, it was simple. Even so, he hated every second of it, after all it was work.

Slowly, Taehyung made his way into a dark, hidden alleyway. The package in his coat seeming heavier than before. He looked around, his eyes searching for the address he'd been given along with the package.

A content smile made its way onto Taehyung's lips, a group of guys, who he assumed worked for the one this delivery was for, leaned against the wall. The tired male made his way towards the men, wanting to get it over with.

The man in the middle of the group quirked an eyebrow as Taehyung made his way closer. Taehyung, who now stood in front of the group, didn't say a word as he pulled out the package from under his coat, handing it to the man in the middle.

"It's all here?" The man asked, smirking a little. Taehyung nodded, looking mostly at the floor. The man, who once stood in the middle, walked up to a keypad, entering a passcode, "kay' follow me."

Taehyung obliged, walking in the seemingly small building. Upon entering Taehyung was met with two large men, whom stared at his rather small, compared to them, frame.

The man who had the package in hand gave the men a look, it was quite obvious, he wanted the men to make sure Taehyung stood in place. "I'll be right back." The man said, walking down the hall of the building.

It didn't take long for the man to return, hands in his pocket, "you're free to go." The man mumbled, opening the door for Taehyung.

Taehyung could only assume everything was in tac. He nodded a little, walking out of the building. As soon as the nightly breeze was felt against his hot skin Taehyung took off, running as fast as he could. He wanted to live a little, feel his heart racing like never before.

Though his small adventure came to a stop when his stomach growled. He then realized he hadn't ate all day. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, looking at the time. 12:30 am. It was too late to go home and cook himself something. His only option was to find the nearest restaurant around him.

Seokjin sighed, rubbing the dirty table harder than before. It was getting pretty late, all he could think about was the comfort of his bed, yet there he was. Cleaning dirty tables all by himself. That was all that was left for him to do, after that he could lock up the small diner and go home, he'd be free.

Seokjin turned his head as he'd heard the small bell of the front door go off, he wanted to care, but he didn't. He continued cleaning the table, not caring who had entered. He was sure they'd leave after not been seen.

Taehyung sat down in the booth close to the window, waiting patiently for the bus boy he'd seen to take his order. Though the wait turned into minutes. 'Horrible service.' He thought to himself as he stood up, ringing the small bell on top of the counter.

Seokjin groaned, slamming his fist on the table he'd been cleaning, "for god sake, we're closed." He yelled, walking up to the customer. He didn't mean to be rude, but he really just wanted to go home and sleep. He wanted to be done with work.

Though it seemed as his yelling was for nothing. The customer seemed unfazed, "A milkshake..." Taehyung said, looking the bus boy in the eyes, "...make it strawberry."

Seokjin huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, "did you not hear me? I said we are closed..." he took a deep breath, looking the customer in the eyes, "please, just come back when we open."

Taehyung quirked an eyebrow, looking out the window, he didn't plan on leaving until he got his milkshake. It sounded childish really, but he really craved a strawberry milkshake.

Seokjin nodded, coming to realization that the customer wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. He walked into the diner's kitchen and took out the ingredients needed to make a strawberry milkshake.

It didn't take him long to make the milkshake. Though it took him a little longer to find the styrofoam cups. Of course he wouldn't give the young customer the satisfaction of drinking his milkshake in the diner, he'd kick him out.

"Here." Seokjin said, placing the styrofoam cup in front of Taehyung, "now go, you don't even have to pay, just go."

Taehyung's mouth twitched, taking the milkshake. He took a big sip, still looking the bus boy in the eyes. "I'd much rather finish it here." He mumbled, facing the window once again.

A loud groan left Seokjin's lips, his plans of going home soon had just slipped out of his fingers. He knew he'd be up longer than he'd initially planned.

I hope you enjoyed?

Taboo|| TaeJin حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن