Chapher Three

189 13 2

SeokJin sat across the quite peculiar man whom he didn't know the name of. He observed the quite handsome guy as he drank his strawberry milkshake. He was rather impatient for the milkshake to be finished, he had better things to do, like sleep.

Taehyung made no effort to finish the milkshake quickly, he wanted to enjoy it. "This is really good." He said as he took a sip from the bright orange straw, trying to make conversation with the worker, who looked rather irritated with him, but he could care less.

SeokJin smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm glad, but I'd rather you finish it fast, I am extremely tired and can't leave until you do" SeokJin was honest with the stranger, seeing as the man had no plans on leaving anytime soon.

Taehyung nodded, taking a big sip. "Take a nap, I'll wake you when I'm done"

SeokJin's eyes widened, not expecting such a response. "Wow, I don't.. I don't even know how to respond." SeokJin sighed, laying his head on the table, "You're an extremely odd character" He mumbled as his eyes closed shut, he could not keep them open any longer.


SeokJin's eyes fluttered open, confused. He looked around and found himself still at work. '2:15' He panicked remembering what had happened nearly 2 hours ago. Slowly he stood up and locked up the diner door.

Taehyung stood against the wall across the diner, a half used cigarette in his mouth, he'd never smoked before but he had gotten bored awaiting the diner worker to wake up, he hadn't felt comfortable enough to leave  the worker alone at such a time.

Taehyung flicked the lit cigarette as he seen the diner worker walk out. He stayed put, not wanting to make it obvious that he'd stayed.

"You shouldn't smoke" SeokJin said as he walked up to the stranger. "I don't usually" The stranger mumbled. SeokJin felt intrigued by the interesting character he'd met. Laughing a bit SeokJin made eye contact with the stranger, "I am surprised you're still here, I would have thought you left long ago."

Taehyung looked at the stranger, curiously. "Usually yes." Taehyung stood straight now, the cigarette out of his mouth and on the floor now. "I extremely enjoyed that milkshake, my favorite now to be completely honest. So I thought to myself, how rude of you Taehyung to leave this worker here alone while he sleeps. I can't have you hating me if I plan on coming here often"

"Taehyung?" SeokJin asked, looking at the handsome guy. Taehyung quirked an eyebrow, "yes, that is my name. You are?" SeokJin smiled, "My name is SeokJin, Kim SeokJin"

Taehyung nodded, "Well Kim SeokJin, as we both know it's extremely late, so I'll be walking you home now, these streets aren't safe."

SeokJin looked at Taehyung confused, " I am not a girl. I can take care of myself." Taehyung looked SeokJin up and down, "sure." He chuckled, "now let's get going"


"How do I know you're not following me to kill me?" SeokJin said, pointing at Taehyung's bandana.

Taehyung took off the banana, he'd forgotten it was on. "I can't do much to make you feel like it won't happen, but I promise it won't. I many be associated with that stuff but, it's not me you know?" SeokJin nodded, "I get it, I think. I was joking though. If you'd wanted to kill me you'd done it already." Taehyung looked at SeokJin deeply, it seemed as if Seokjin spoke with experience.

Taehyung opened his mouth, about to say something, "we're here" SeokJin pointed at a nice blue two story house. "Doesn't look like you have to work" Taehyung mumbled. SeokJin nodded walking towards his front door, "I have my own reasons."

"Makes sense" Taehyung said, his eyes focused on an empty light green  house next to SeokJin's place.

"Well I better get going now... It was nice meeting you, odd character Taehyung" SeokJin stretched his hand out, awaiting Taehyung to shake it. "Yeah" Taehyung said, shaking the diner boys hand, "nice meeting you SeokJin"


Taehyung looked down at his younger brother, "Jeongguk, I have to go" it pained him to say but it was important he left. "Why?" Jeongguk questioned, already knowing the answer. "You know why gguk.." Jeongguk sighed, "I've accepted it, or.. I am trying to accept it, I know it isn't easy but you've barely been home... I guess what I am trying to say is that it feels like you're still locked up.. I've seen you maybe 8 hours in the week that you've been here.. soon we'll be moving and I don't know.. I don't know"

Taehyung sat next to Jeongguk and hugged his brother tightly, " I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry okay? I didn't mean for this to happen, but it's not so bad alright? It'll be okay. I have it under control, it'll be okay." Jeongguk heard Taehyung though it sounded more like Taehyung was comforting himself more than anything.

Taehyung got up and walked out of his home, the home he'd grown up in. Soon it wouldn't be his home and he didn't have time to say goodbye to it or the memories he'd made there. His whole life felt like a fever dream, he didn't know who he was, but he knew what he had to do, even if it would cost him his life.

"Wassup" Hanbin yelled from across the street, his eyes on Taehyung. "Wassup" Taehyung said getting closer to his boss. "Listen. I know you said you didn't want to get your hands dirty, but it's required you do a bit of everything." Taehyung's heart dropped, he knew it would be asked of him someday but didn't expect it so soon. "I have a job for you.. I need you to get your hands dirty with our  rival gang, we have a traitor."

I'm writing this for myself tbh bc I was reading this and felt it would be rlly good to finish but if there is someone reading this I'm sorry it's gonna be slow for taejins relationship to start.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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