Chapter 18: The crossroads of destiny

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Ostrich horses are drinking water from a river as Appa, Aang, and Sokka fly over them.

Sokka: So, what kind of trouble are Faith and Katara in?

Aang: I don't know. In my vision, I just knew they needed help.

Sokka: It would be nice if your Avatar powers could be just a little more specific from time to time. (He looks down and notices a mound of earth passing nearby, heading to the wall.) What is that?

They fly down and follow the mound. Toph is seen still earth surfing. Aang and Sokka come down beside her.

Sokka: Need a ride?

Toph becomes startled at the sound of Sokka's voice and falls backward off of the mound. Sokka and Aang cringe upon seeing her fall.

Appa, Toph, Aang, and Sokka are still flying back to the Palace. Toph is seen holding onto Sokka's arm so she does not fall.

Toph: So how did it go with the guru? Did you master the Avatar State?

Aang: Uh...

Aang looks down and thinks back to what Guru Pathik said before he left.'If you leave now, you won't be able to go into the Avatar State at all!'

Sokka: (Notices his silence.) Aang, are you okay?

Aang: I'm great! It went great with the guru. I completely mastered the Avatar State. (He laughs nervously and looks down.) Yeah.

Inside the throne room, where Sokka, Toph, and Aang confront Kuei.

Kuei: Faith and Katara are fine. You have nothing to worry about.

Aang: But, in my vision, I felt so sure Faith was in trouble.

Kuei: Well, they met with the Council of Generals to plan the invasion, and since then, they've been off with your friends, the Kyoshi Warriors.

Sokka: See, Aang? They are with Suki. They're probably back at our apartment right now talking about make-up or something.

Aang: Okay. Maybe you're right.

Kuei: Believe me, if there was any danger at all, Bosco's animal instincts would sense it.

Bosco lifts up his head from sleeping to look at the three. Inside the Crystal Catacombs, Katara is pacing back and forth. Faith sits down and meditates. Katara stops pacing upon hearing a hole open up above.

Dai Li agent: You've got company.

He throws Zuko in, who rolls down and lands in front of Katara.

Katara: Zuko!

Faiths gasps in shock and she stands up.
Katara's shocked face becomes an angry one as Zuko sits up and the hole closes behind him.

Toph, Aang, and Sokka reachtheir house on Appa. The three jump off and run inside to see if Faith and Katara are in there. Momo and Melody fly up to them.

Aang: Momo! Melody!

Momo climbs up Aang onto his shoulders. As Melody starts trying to chirp right in front of Aangs face. He knew the lemur was trying to tell him something about Faith which only spiked his worry. He took her in his arms and starts to stroke her ears to try and calm the lemur down. Toph looks around.

Toph: There's no one else here.

Aang: (He looks up at them worried.) Faith is in trouble! I knew it!

Sokka: (Starts to panic by now.) Oh, no!

Toph: Wait! Someone's at the door. (Someone knocks on the door a second later.) Actually, I know who it is. It's an old friend of mine and Faiths. (She walks over to the door and opens it, showing Iroh behind the door.) Glad to see you're okay.

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