What Are You Hiding?

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He looks at her, truly looks at her. She sleeps gripping the sheet she's covered with even in dreams. Her body doesn't seem to relax even in sleep from what Kaden can see.

So. This Girl is his best friend? This beautiful girl with her dark-brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin is his best friend? He is surprised. He is surprised because she cares. Really cares.

He sighs. He knows that he should sleep, but there's so much on his mind that sleep is the last thing he wants to do.

Is Diandra his best friend? His mom said yes but Kaden can't help but wonder, what does she know? How can he trust a person he can't even remember?

He rubs his eyes.

It isn't like she is his girlfriend and if he wants to figure out what's being kept from him... He needs to trust her. Or to pretend that he does. He can do that right? He can pretend that he trusts her... Supposedly he did if they were friends.

And if he is honest with himself, the way she looked at him, the despair in her eyes when they... met, he suspects that her feelings for him run a lot deeper than friendship.

He punches the mattress in frustration. He doesn't know who to trust, he doesn't know who he is, he can barely recognize his body.

He has the memories of a 15 years teen, stuck in the body of a 21 years man.

He lost too much of who he was, is, but he isn't going to disappoint his loved ones. He will heal. He has to, for his mental sanity, and for the peace that his recovered memories will bring everyone.

Now he is helpless.
But not for long.

He has his sister. Brother. Mother. Father. And apparently... Diandra.

An idea strikes him and he reaches for the tablet his mother brought him.

If they don't want to tell him what they're hiding, he can look online, because once upon a time, he liked posting on Facebook. More like tolerated it to be able to talk to friends.

He logs on, and there are pictures with him at high school parties, apparently the graduation, posts of songs he liked, happy birthday wishes from friends and relatives...

He keeps scrolling through pictures and posts thoughtfully. Something is weird. It takes him a few minutes to figure out what's bothering him, but when he does he frowns and glances at the girl who is still sleeping.

There's no picture with him and Diandra.

If she is his best friend, why isn't there a picture of the two of them?

He tries to find her in the crowd from the pictures he apparently took at the graduation with his classmates, but there's no best friend, no Diandra on Facebook when he looks for her account.

He sighs and rubs his eyes. His head hurts and he is tired, but he wants to figure things out. He wants to know who he is, because he is a mystery even to himself.
She has the key to who he is, but he wants to figure her out too. Why is she his friend?He's determined to find the pieces of the puzzle.

Diandra turns and frowns, mumbling something that sounds like a please no, a desperate whimper that makes his soul hurt. He frowns and reaches out to her instinctively, caressing her forehead with his finger. His heart beats faster when she sighs and relaxes, a small smile on her lips.

He is so lost. he barely knows this girl but he wants to protect her, to be there for her.

"Why do we live together? Who are you? What are you hiding, Diandra?"

AN: Hey all!
So, how you can see, this story has a mind of its own.
My characters refuse to follow the rules and I am left wondering how will things progress.

I complain too much I know, but don't worry, I'm not abandoning the story. I'm just surprised how things move forward.

It's a great adventure and I am glad that I can share it with all of you!

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