Just Friends

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If loss were a taste, you'd spit it out as soon as you were able to. But it isn't. It's despair, miss, sleepless nights, a sound and a cry and it goes on forever.

"I can't remember you. Who are you? My sister? My best friend? I have no clue who you are. Please help me remember."

She kept replaying his words, unable to understand or accept what he said. she wanted to ask if he was joking, but the vulnerability on his face, the despair in his eyes, the lost expression...

Turning towards the doctor she tried to compose herself.

"You knew, didn't you? You tried to stop me," added the girl, remembering the hand that she pushed away when she saw that Her boyfriend was awake.

The doctor, Mark was his name if Diandra remembered right sighed and nodded.

"I wanted to tell you so you wouldn't find out like this. He doesn't remember much. He can barely remember his parents, sister and brother. He doesn't remember starting High school or graduating, for that matter. All he can remember is what happened before that period of his life, like the summer, swimming, working in a bookstore and so on."

Diandra was speechless. Basically he had no idea who she was, he had no idea how much she loved him, he had no idea that if he kicked her out she was going to be homeless, and what hurt her the most, he had no memory of how much they went through to be together.

"how can we... help him remember? will he remember?"

Mark put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Let's talk outside when his parents will be here."

Dread settled in the pit of her stomach but she nodded, having no idea what else she could do, because she wasn't an expert in memory loss or head injuries.


"He can't remember much, how I explained to Diandra."Mark's voice was calm. Kaden's mother paled, stepping closer to her husband, while aria, Kaden's sister curled closer to Diandra.

"What I'm going to say will upset you, but. You can't force him to regain his memories. It can take weeks or months, but you need to let him remember on his own.

You cant tell him anything that can make him feel guilty. Nothing about high school, marks or stressful situations."

The young woman gritted her teeth in frustration.

"Diandra, if you tell him that you're his girlfriend, you will involuntarily force him to want to remember everything because he will feel guilty that he can't feel the love he had for you."

She didn't answer just nodded, feeling helpless, more than ever. She couldn't help him and she had no idea if he will ever regain his memory. Mark said it without her even needing to ask.
The love he had. Tears filled her eyes but she pushed them back, forcing herself to be strong.
The man sighed and shook her gently."Not all hope is lost, kid. You can recreate experiences. Try to make him fall again for you, this can start the remembering process without placing too much pressure on him. Hope is the last thing that dies, never forget this. Love doesn't die, either."
"So... Diandra, right?"

She nodded but didn't turn towards him. When they returned in his room with his family he recognized them, smiled and laughed... while with her... She sighed. She needed to get a grip on herself and on her new reality, but it was hard when her mind was still replaying everything that happened in the past hour.
He touched her wrist until she looked at him from the corner of her eye.

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