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Life generally didn't feel like it was going to stop. People laughed, cried, argued, broke up, got back together, went to work, started businesses, traveled... lived.

But for the young woman dressed in a blue shirt and black jeans life was at a standstill.She was somewhere between dreamland and reality, watching how others played their role on the scene life set for them.
That didn't mean that she wasn't aware of where she was. She just didn't really care.
The hospital chair wasn't really comfortable but She could care less, She wasn't there for comfort or luxury.
The smell, constant come and go, the children that wanted to play with her... Nothing bothered her.

The man she loved was in a hospital bed and she wasn't going to leave the place until he was by her side.

Between coffee, working on her laptop, visiting him whenever they let her she barely slept and the exhaustion was catching up to her.

Minutes moved like hours, hours seemed to be days. Neverending days.

Since the day him and his family were in a car accident he was in a coma for 6 months,6 Months that killed her emotionally.

His parents, brother and cousin were fine, but Her boyfriend's head injury...She shuddered only thinking at how reserved were the doctors when his father asked if he'd wake up or at least survive.

She loved him. That Smart, stubborn, logical and kind man that was hanging on a thread was her best friend, her boyfriend for 5 years.

From the moment they almost lost him She survived. Living without such an important person to her was impossible.

So she just moved through life, hoping, waiting, holding on and choosing to love him every day even if they weren't intimate, even if he couldn't talk to her, even if he wasn't really there.

A gentle tap on her shoulder drew her out of her thoughts. She opened her eyes and raised her eyebrow at Christine, the nurse assigned to keep an eye on her boyfriend.

"He's awake. The doctor is talking to him. We called his parents", added the woman when she saw that the girl was reaching for her phone.

Whenever she imagined that moment she didn't expect her soul and body to feel so heavy.
She always pictured herself running in his room, smiling at him, kissing him, calling all their friends to tell them that he was awake, but it wasn't like that.

Her heart was going crazy and she was scared. She knew that she should be happy, he was awake after all but she had doubts.

Maybe it was Christine's worried expression before she managed to pull herself together, maybe it was her body transforming the sleepless nights into fear, maybe the drama families went through each day while she was there watching helplessly how babies and loved ones died, some became disabled affected her. Maybe the fact she missed him was driving her crazy...

frowning she gritted her teeth. What was going on with her? She was better than that. She couldn't lose it.

Taking a deep breath she steeled herself.

She was ridiculous. He was awake. Not all stories ended in tragedy.

Picking up her bag, the girl made her way to his room, determined to be there for him no matter what. He was back. That was the only thing that mattered.

She stopped in front of his door. Room 57. How many times did she visit that room in the past months only to see him lying on the bed without a smile sent her way, without whispering an I love you back? How many messages did she send him on Whatsapp, desperate to somehow make him wake up? How many times did she lock herself in one of the bathrooms from the hospital, sitting on the cold tile, hugging herself and crying desperately because she missed him? Too many to count.

She gripped the handle and opened the door, the blood rushing through her veins like she had run a marathon.

Seeing him resting against the pillows, shrugging at the doctor for some reason, the proof that he was there, awake forced her to lean on the wall for a few seconds.

When she finally got a grip on herself, she stepped closer, needing to look at him properly more than she needed air.

When her eyes met his, her shoulders relaxed and the words poured out.

"It's so good to see you awake. I missed you so much and... I can't even..." She ignored the hand the doctor put on her shoulder, desperate to touch him.
Rationally she knew that she should've asked the man how he was, if it was okay to talk to him but she needed to assure herself that he was really back.

Taking his hand she intertwined their fingers and continued. "How are you feeling? Are you in pain? Is there something I can do for you?"

He looked away."Yes...please tell me more...about how...About you."

She blinked but shrugged. "I... Well I was here. I mean I've been working but I was here waiting for you."

He grimaced. "No. You...Who are you."

She tensed and touched his cheek gently. "I'm your person in the same way you are mine... My most important person."

She couldn't stop looking at him, at the way he frowned, at the way he gripped the sheets in frustration...

"You don't understand," he said, looking at her sadly. I know that you are supposed to be important, I know that I'm supposed to... Like you I guess, maybe even love you, I know all of this.

They told me that you were here since the accident. But I can't remember you. Who are you? My sister? My best friend? I have no clue who you are, I'm so, so sorry...Please, if you care, help me remember."

Author's note:

Guess who's back?
Me with a cliffhanger!
This is another crazy idea, yes.
Last night I was watching a singer live on Youtube with friends and this plot kept distracting me.
I couldn't resist so I wrote it.
I hope you'll like it. I know that it isn't my best but... First I write for me and my friends, then for you and mainly I need all these ideas out of my mind!

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