Chapter 2 - Searching for Perfect

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, they all belong to the creators and writers of The Vampire Diaries.

The girls had been walking around in New Orleans for hours, this was their first Christmas with their significant others. Now that everything had calmed down with all the supernatural troubles, it was quite peaceful. The only thing troubling them was finding presents for everyone.

"Seriously?! What can you buy a thousand year old hybrid whose main goal was to kill everyone. Might as well just buy him a guillotine." Caroline huffed out, she was getting frustrated with herself for not being able to find a present for Klaus.

"A guillotine...really care? I thought you said he'd changed." Elena tried to stay serious, but she couldn't mask it very well.

"He has! It's just I don't have businesses and houses all over the world, I didn't accumulate money over a thousand years. I have five hundred dollars to my vampire name. What can I get for that?" Caroline looked at both her best friends and saw they were struggling as well.

"Can't help you there, I have my own thousand year old original. He practically owns every book ever published, and the only other thing he seems to like are suits!" Elena complained about her own problem with the man she was sharing a life with.

"Hey you two got lucky! At least your originals don't have a mind of six year old. He keeps saying he wants a new car. He thinks I can magically create one with my powers." Bonnie added.

All three girls had gone silent, they were busy thinking about their dilemma. They had all become stumped on the same topic. But hopefully with the use of three heads they could figure out a way to give their men exactly what they wanted.

They were interrupted by Caroline's phone ringing.

"Hey Bekah!" Caroline answered in a cheery tone. Since everything had calmed down, most of the Mystic Falls gang had buried the hatchet, including Rebekah and Elena. It wasn't uncommon for for the blonde original to call her fellow organiser.

"Yeah I already called the caterers, I bought the decorations already." Caroline answered, Elena could hear Rebekah's side but Bonnie couldn't.

Rebekah was currently in Chicago with her brothers, they had taken an unexpected trip because they had heard that their was a threat against Hope brewing. So before anything could happen, they went to eliminate the risk. She was within the safety of another and until they deemed it safe, Hope could not return until then.

They had left two days ago and were expected to return soon. Even though it was getting so close to Christmas, they could risk being unprepared.

"That's great see you tomorrow!" Caroline smiled at her friends and hung up the phone.

"Bekah said they are all coming back tomorrow. Maybe we can ask her what her brothers would like..."

"Sounds like a plan. Now why don't we go shopping to buy dresses for the Christmas party." Bonnie asked, she was given a nod by both her friends and they all left the café they were currently in.


"Oh Nik stop sulking!" Kol casually said as he walked past his older brother.

"I can't Kol! You ruined Caroline's gift by your stupidity!" Klaus said through gritted teeth. He really was trying to be better and not threaten to kill his brother, but it was difficult.

"Just buy her another one Nik. It's not like you don't have the money." Kol waved his hand in a dismissive way. He couldn't careless about the gift, he only cares about his little witch and what he was getting her.

"It was one of a kind Kol! Meaning it's rare! I can't just magic it out of thin air!" The hybrids voice raised as he took his anger out on some furniture.

"Enough with the dramatics. Just find something else, if killing her friends didn't stop her from loving you, I don't think a Christmas present is going to." Klaus was preparing to launch at Kol, but he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder, Elijah's.

"Kol!" Elijah scolded

"He started it!" Kol argued like a petulant child

"I don't care! I'm finishing it." Elijah shouted, glancing between his two brothers. After he turned around he mumbled "And moments ago I was actually looking forward to Christmas"

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