Chapter 1 - Holiday Spirit

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, they all belong to the writers and creators or The Vampire Diaries.

Elijah was sitting in his office reading over some of his business financials. Being an original vampire didn't exonerate him from having to look after his businesses. He took great pride in keeping his business afloat and ensuring his status. After many years he would announce a change of company director. Keeping his name and eternal life intact.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he could hear the sound of several footsteps and loud noises coming from the foyer. He wasn't expecting anyone, but he couldn't say the same for his siblings.

As he walked into the foyer he found boxes stacked in the corner, of what he didn't know. The front door was still open, as he glanced outside he saw Elena and Caroline directing people towards him.

He walked out with haste and quickly approach the two women. "What's going on here?"

"We are putting up a Christmas Tree" Caroline said bluntly, almost like she stating the obvious.

"A Christmas tree..." Elijah asked rhetorically, but Caroline responded anyway. She was currently looking at the helpers she'd asked to help deliver the tree and carry it in the mansion for her.

"Yeah you know it's big and green, you can decorate it and the presents are place under it." Elena couldn't hold in the little giggle, and Elijah smirked at the young blonde thinking this was probably why his brother was so infatuated with her.

"Yes Miss. Forbes I understand the concept, my concern is why it's being brought to my residence and not your own." Elijah said politely.

"Well actually...we already have our Christmas trees up, and we both realised that you don't. So we decided to do it for you." Elena answered her boyfriend.

"Oh..." Was the only response they received from the eldest original.

"What?" Elena asked softly, she put a hand on Elijah's arm and hoped that he would say what was on his mind.

"My family hasn't been together in a long time, well peacefully anyway. So we never celebrated Christmas." Elijah seemed to be lost in his own little word, he hadn't noticed that Elena had brought him into a hug.

"Well this year will be different. So are you going to help us or what!" Elena said quickly, she picked up a few bags and then grabbed Elijah's hand pulling him towards the house. Caroline followed behind while she guided the men and Christmas tree to the sitting room.


After the delivery men had left, Elijah had offered to move otto where they wanted it. Though he didn't know how much work this offer entailed. He was soon regretting it when he found Caroline changing her mind about how it looked in specific places.

By the Fireplace...but not too close it might catch fire. Opposite the fireplace...but then it blocks the window. In the corner...but still not good enough because the drinks cabinet was in the way. It had been like this for an hour and although Elijah had vampire strength, he felt like a rag-doll being pulled in all directions.

In the end the Christmas tree was put in the very first spot, next to the fireplace. Caroline's paranoia was put to rest when they found that the embers didn't reach that far.

When they had decided on a place, they started to decorate the tree.

Elena couldn't help the laugh that escaped her when she looked at the position Elijah had found himself in. He was currently wrapped in the Christmas lights. Some round his neck and arms.

He had mistakenly put on the baubles first and found it difficult to wrap the lights around the tree in quick succession. So at this moment he was collecting them again and the lights had made themselves comfortable on his body.

When Rebekah and Klaus walked in later that night they were surprised at all the decorations that filled the house.

"Someone vomited Christmas in our sitting room. And noble Elijah lived to tell the tale." Rebekah joked lightly. The fireplace was burning and the Christmas tree was beautiful, even the windows had tinsel around them.

"Lovely Elena and Miss Forbes had acquired the tree, I thought it was only polite to accept." Elijah said gently as he held a glass of whiskey in his right hand and watched the fire to his left.

"They didn't give you a choice did they" Rebekah responded amused.

"No" the room filled with laughter at his admittance.

It was a sight to see that everyone was enjoying each other's company rather than arguing and trying to kill each other. It was going to be a good Christmas.

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