Dads Secret

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I hold the letter in my shaking hands. I dropped the book on the floor in order to brace myself with a hand on zolts desk. I start tearing up. "Wh- why haven't I seen this?" I mutter.

"Your dad said to wait till you were 17 or when you needed to see this. I think this situation falls under need." I start to open the letter but Zolt stops me. "Take it home and read it. I don't want you crying on the furniture."

"Ok." I say as I quickly pick up the book. "Thank you." I start to run out of the room before I'm stopped.

"Kid, make sure you're here tomorrow. The monsoons are gearing up for something so we need everyone on duty. Be here by three o'clock." Zolt says.

"I will." I quickly go downstairs, grab my jacket from my office and run home. I throw open my door and stumble trying to get my shoes off. Sit down at the kitchen table and set down the book. Before opening the letter, I trace my dad's handwriting that spells out "To My Little Mizuko". I open the letter, and in the upper right hand corner set the date that he wrote this. He wrote this letter 12 days before he died. I start to cry quietly. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle the sounds but it doesn't stop the tears. I got up and grabbed a box of tissues and dry the tears from my eyes. I begin reading.

"To my little Mizuko,

I'm writing this letter to you tell you the things I cannot tell you while I'm alive. The shame, the pain and the heartbreak is too much for me to bear. First some business to get out of the way. Attached is the deed to the penthouse and my bank account information. I want you to be entirely in control of your life and hopefully there should be plenty of money in the bank account by the time I'm gone for you to use. 

I know you didn't want to be in the Triad. Your dream is to be a pro-bender, but it simply wasn't in the cards for you since you are my daughter. But if you ever wanted to, you can leave it all behind and I wanted to help give you that option. I do believe you could be an excellent pro-bender. You are an excellent water bender and I believe picking up pro-bending would be like a giant stepping over a pebble. However if you decide that is not your path in life, then choose another one or forge your own. I know whatever you decide to be, you will be amazing. If you decide to keep studying waterbending, Zolt should have given you a book that would teach you a few extra skills. It should help whenever you're in a bind. 

But I must warn you to only read the first chapter of the book. The second chapter has something in it I hope you will never have to learn: Bloodbending. Bloodbending is a cursed art and should never be used. The only reason I have this book in my possession is because it was given to me by my despicable father, Yakone.

Your grandfather was a terrifying and horrible man. While being a menace on the streets of Republic City, he was a worst father. At a young age, Yakone forced me to learn bloodbending so I could be a pawn in his gang, who is now known as the Red Monsoons. He made me do awful things in the name of waterbending superiority. He made me kill shopkeepers, lie and steal, and kill anyone who did not align with his philosophy. The bloodbending turned my stomach every time I used it. Using it weighed on me so heavily, so I ran away. I ran straight to a place I knew I would be safe and accepted, the Triple Threat Triad. Being in a gang was all I knew, and I had no skills so I had nowhere else to go. It was the only place I could go. From the day I joined the Triple Threats, I renounced bloodbending and swore to never use it ever again. 

In those months after, he made many attempts on my life. He told everyone and anyone who cared that I wasn't his son anymore. Honestly, I was glad. I didn't want to be his son either. But he still kept coming after me. So I did the only thing I could, which to this day is the best but hardest decision I have ever made: I went to the police and told them everything. I told them Yakone was a blood bender and that he forced me to bloodbend. In exchange for being a witness testimony for his trial, instead of life imprisonment for the crime of bloodbending, I was given 10 years. On the day of his trial,Yakone blood bended the entire courtroom and escaped. After being caught by Avatar Aang, his bending was taken on the spot. He was sent to prison and I soon followed.

After I was released at the age of 23, I thought I was going to live a free life with no more worries of my father. Then I heard that after his imprisonment, Yakone escaped and disappeared. I became terrified and I thought that one day he would come after me. I rejoined the Triple Threats and became the strongest I could be so that when the day came and he comes after me, I wouldn't be scared. Then you came along and I was scared again. Your mother was a night worker and dropped you off on my doorstep. She left and I never saw her again. You had no one else to protect you, so I knew I had to. I know I trained you hard but now you know why. It wasn't to toughen you up or because you were my daughter. It was because you were my father's granddaughter. He would have used you against me or at the worst he would have killed us both. 

Please forgive me for not telling you the truth. I didn't want you to be scared of something that might not even be there anymore. I can tell you now though, I'm not scared anymore because of how strong you have become. I am so proud of who you are. I know you're going to grow up to be strong and a beautiful woman who has the courage to do what she wants. I love you so much (Y/N). The line of work I'm in  is dangerous,  so I know I may not be alive when you read this but know my spirit is protecting you. Just remember this lesson my father taught me. Family isn't something bound by blood. You get to choose your family. So please choose a good one after I'm gone. So go out there and live your life without worry, regret and live freely on your own terms.


I sit at the kitchen table with tears falling down my face. I've just learned about a side of my dad I never knew existed. I don't know exactly how you feel. Happy. Sad. Confused. Slightly scared. I get up and make a cup of tea and go sit on the terrace with the letter and book in hand. I look up at the sky and breathe deeply before sipping on my tea. So much information was thrown at me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it, or how to feel. I hold the letter and the book close to my chest as I finish my tea. After I had inside and set the cup on the counter to be washed in the morning. I go upstairs to my dad's bedroom and open the door. I crawl into his bed and sleep with tears staining the pillow as I drift away into slumber.

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