Be Stronger...

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I wake up in the late morning with a feeling of regret and loneliness. Last night, when Bolin told me he wished I would have chosen to be a pro bender, I felt a big emptiness in my chest. It's sucking me in like a black hole, but leaving my body behind. I'm in the center with no way out and with no one to help me. I've been wishing for two years since that night I had made a different decision. I wish I had gone with him, but I didn't. I chose "family" instead. I feel like I don't have a family that cares, though. I know they care to a certain degree but I don't feel like they actually care,  if that makes sense.

I can't think about this right now. I need to make breakfast and go to the hideout. I make eggs over medium and sausage. After I eat, I make a cup of black tea and go onto the terrace. I look out onto the city. The morning bustle as people rush to work and the smell of street food wafting through the streets, rising between the buildings and up to the penthouse I grew up in with my dad.

When I say penthouse, I mean a B level penthouse. It's the type of penthouse a politician would get for his mistress but the mistress is super uppity. Ya know, demands to be pampered, be given gifts and what not. It's not an expensive penthouse. It wouldn't be one he would get his wife that she would use while she's in the city for the weekend. 

There's a living room that's breathable with an open kitchen to the left of the entryway. The entryway has a stone floor and a step up to a wood floor which covers the rest of the place. Off to the side of the living room are doors that lead to my bedroom and a bathroom and in the corner there is a metal staircase that leads upstairs, where dad's old bedroom and office are. I haven't been in my dad's room since he died. I use the office for take home work or when I don't need to be at the hideout. It's also where I do work for my "clients". I didn't change the office much after dad died, it just needed another file cabinet. The penthouse also has floor to ceiling windows all along one wall of the living room. The windows stop short of the entryway and in the center there is a sliding glass door that leads to the terrace. The terrace has a metal table and 2 chairs. If you sit in one of the chairs and look between the buildings, you can see Avatar Island.

I finish my tea and relax before I leave for the hideout. When I get there, I check in with Zolt. He hands me tax papers for him and a few other members of the Threats that are in the upper class. Zolt says to make sure I falsely file for everyone. He wants to have enough money to buy a summer beach house on Ember Island. That place has basically become a resort community that doubles as a playground for the rich. I heard they're thinking about starting a nude beach, which is… we. I go to my office and start my work. My office happens to be connected to the lobby which is where everyone hangs out and plays pool. I turn on the radio to drown out the noise.

After a few hours of work, I get a cup of tea and change the station on the radio to the coverage of the pro-bending fights. It's late. There's a delay to the start of the Fire Ferrets match. They're stalling. Did something happen?

Suddenly, the announcer interrupts a commercial to welcome back the audience. "Sorry for the delay folks.looks like the Fire Ferrets got a replacement water bender for their teammate Hasook."

I wonder what happened to Hasook? Did he quit? I thought he would eventually but not in the qualifying match for the tournament.

"Lets see if the water bender is a diamond into the rough like the two brothers." I wonder who the replacement is?

After the start of the match, the rookie gets fouled twice, costing the Ferrets the first round. Normally I would laugh and say "what a fucking idiot". Seriously, where did Bolin and Makoget this person, out of the stands?

"The Palapus Bears know a green player when they see one and they're focusing the front of their bending on this poor girl."

Wait… girl?

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