A New... Friend

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I stand ready on the stairs, with my water drawn around me in a semicircle. Korra has two stone disks hovering in the air in front of her, but I know within a second those disks will be flying at me. I jump off the stairs in an attempt to preemptively dodge. Korra strikes, just barely missing me. I'll do a push strike with my water to make her lose her balance so I can take the moment to explain myself. I don't want to hurt the Avatar. I gather the water at my stomach and push forward with both hands. In defence, she gathers my water in her hand and pushes it back at me. I would love to be impressed but I'm too busy getting my ass kicked. My body moves instinctively with the flow and force of the water that is coming at me. Without my command, my body turns in a 360, leads the water around my body and whips it across Korra's face. Oh shit. She looks back at me and stares me dead in the eyes.

"Oh, you're going down." She says with an almost creepy smile. She chargges at me in a dead sprint with fire spouting from her hands like daggers. I'm screwed if she's trying for close combat. She stops dead in her tracks and swerves her torso to avoid a rock disk as it's flying by her. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see another disk flying directly at me. I cover my hand in a tentacle of water and slice the disk in half.

We both stare at Bolin. "Hey hey. Everybody calm down." He says as he runs between me and Korra.

"Why did you stop me? She's a criminal." Korra shouts angrily.

"Nonono. (Y/N) isn't like that." Bolin tries to explain.

"What does that mean? She's in a triad, that means she's a criminal."

"No, she isn- well, I mean, technically-" Bolin says, incriminating me again.

"Bolin!" I say with a face that says 'Shut up'. Korras face grows angerier. "What he's trying to explain is that the stuff I do isn't bad. What I do isn't violent and is practically harmless."

"Oh really? What do you do?" Korra asks with doubt in her voice.

Better fugge my answer a little bit. "I do body guard work for a probending team that's financed by the Triple Threats and I collect bets for matches that lean in their favor." I really hope she doesn't understand that rigged betting is illegal. I don't think I should tell her I 'do their paperwork' and 'organize people's money'. It may be a little too telling. "Like I said, I don't hurt or threaten people. What I do is completely legal." It's a long shot but she is fresh off the boat.

Korra continues to stand where she is and stare at me. "Korra please..." Bolin speaks up. "(Y/N) isn't bad and I've known her for years. Give her a chance and I'm sure you'll see she's a good person."

Korra relaxes and looks at me for a moment. She sighs. "Well... I mean, at least you're not hurting anyone." Holy hell she bought it.

"Exactly." Bolin says as he walks over to Korra and I follow. "With that, we can all get along and be friends." I love how optimistic he is but it's not like she can pretend we didn't jus-

"Ya, sure. No problem." Korra says nonchalantly, making me redact my previous thought.

"That's great!" Bolin says excitedly. Are we seriously just gonna breeze by the fact that we just tried to beat I eachother into a paste? We really can't just forget that.

While dwelling on that thought, Korra had extended out her hand. I look at her and she smiles "Friends?". I look at Bolin, who stands with baited breath.

I sigh with a smile, happy to be proven wrong. I take her hand and shake it. "Friends it is."

"ALRIGHT!" Bolin says with both fists pumped into the air. "New friend, and it's the talented Avatar at that." He says looking at Korra with a raised eyebrow and a sligh smile.

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