18| Are those PJ's?

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"Sir, the decryption of the code has been successful, The access to Oscorp security surveillance has been granted." Jarvis notifies and I clap my hands in relief.

"Good job, J." I walk into the middle of the lab, abandoning the tools on the worktable. I flick my hands, making a hologram screen appear, showing the codes Jarvis used to break through the firewall.

"Oscorp has shitty security," I say as my eyes skim through the encryption.

"I'd like to remind you that the firewall safety of the Stark server is about a hundred and twenty-one times more complex than the international average, the comparison is not feasible."

I laugh at the statement. "I'll take that as a compliment, J."

"That's not exactly what I implied, but, whatever you say, sir." I huff at the machine's sassiness. That little shit...

"Pull up all the footages in which you can recognize Peter." The A.I. remains silent but several medium-size screens appear beside the screen with the encryption. Each screen showing different locations. I click in the direction of one, which was apparently a test laboratory which held some, subjects.

I watch as a bunch of students stand in front of the glass containers holding the spiders, my eyes skim through the group, finally stopping at a trio standing a bit away from the class. I zoom in the video with a gesture and watch intently for something to happen.

Peter listens intently to the lady's words, who is apparently the tour guide. Peter's eyes suddenly widen and he rubs his hand on the back of his neck and after a few moments, things go downhill.

That's it...

"Jarvis, roll it back to about two minutes." The screen goes back to the scene seconds before Peter rubs his neck. "Pause that, change the view angle by 170 degrees." The screen does the turn and now, only Peter's back of the head is visible. "Play it." I stare at the screen intently and just a few seconds later I watch as some insect crawls on his neck.

"Jarvis! Stop it and zoom over Peter's neck." The screen zooms and a tiny black insect which has an uncanny resemblance to a spider is easily visible. "What does it look like to you, J? A spider, perhaps."

"The creature has about 90 percentage resemblance to an average spider, sir," Jarvis confirms and I rub my head as thousands of thoughts storms around. "Hm... Average you say."

What are you hiding, Oscorp?

"Jarvis, go through the company's experimentation data and find everything related to spiders."

"Initiation complete. Word searching under progress. It might take a few minutes, sir." I spin on the chair, waiting for something, anything to show up.

"Sir, the data scan is complete. Apparently, the company's scientists were conducting some positively illegal experimentations related to radioactivity over various species of spiders."

Radioactivity! Shit...

"Jarvis, send the complete data to my phone and send a copy to Bruce. Also, ask him to meet me in the lab."

"Yes, sir."


"It took you two hours to get here?" I ask, feeling a bit frustrated, as Bruce enters the lab. The man removes his glasses before looking up at me. "I was conducting some...tests." I raise my eyebrow at him questioningly.

He sighs before continuing. "I know, it's hard to believe but Peter's blood has some uncanny similarities with that of Steve's." My eyes widen in surprise.

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