14| I'm fine

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Tony's pov.

"Mr Stark, may we have your attention, please?" A croaky voice says in a sickly sweet tone as I furiously type in some equations for the suit, into my Starkpad.

"Yes, dear?" I finally look up to the people sitting around the round conference table. I see Pepper shake her head in annoyance.

"There are some complications that the board would like to clarify." A bald man in an uptight suit continues and I gesture for him to go on. He shares a glance with two other members sitting in the room and then continues. "There appears to be some dissatisfaction among the board members regarding your participation in the company's affairs."

Gosh, I am too sober for this...

I raise a challenging eyebrow in the man's direction and the said man gulps. "You seem to be ignoring a concerning amount of issues regarding the company's decision-making process."

"Is this about the last meeting I didn't attend?" I ask bluntly, not trying to show the slightest amount of courtesy. The man stumbles over his words and I sigh in annoyance.

I am surrounded by idiots...

"Look, Mr Corny," I start only to be interrupted, "It's, uh, Cordy." I roll my eyes and continue on without correcting myself.

Does this man really think I give a damn about his last name?

"Yeah, whatever. Look, in case you people forgot, I am also an engineer and quite a busy one at that. I am confident that Ms Potts is perfectly capable of addressing your minor issues,"

A young man in the corner of the room tries to speak up but I simply wave my hand in his direction, successfully shutting him up. "Also, the last meeting was to choose a new logo for the company, I can assure you all that I am definitely not a graphic designer nor do I care about a damn logo."

"But, sir-"

"Sir, I apologise for disrupting the meeting but you must address the situation due to protocol PS12." Jarvis' voice cut off the blonde woman and the members glance at each other while Pepper gives me a confused look.

"What's going on, J." I finally speak up.

"Master Parker seems to be in distress, Sir." I feel my heart drop at the statement and Pepper gives me a horrified look.


"Tony, go. I'll handle here." Pepper says urgently and I walk swiftly out of the room with a racing heart.

Gosh damn it, Pete!

"Jarvis, talk to me. What's going on and where is he?" I ask hurriedly, not knowing what is going on.

"Master Parker is currently in his assigned guest room along with Mr Hogan. There seems to be a sharp rise in the amount of oxygenated haemoglobin in his brain. His current body temperature is 103°F." Jarvis states out the symptoms and I feel confused. The high temperature might be some sickness but it doesn't explain the pain.

"Jarvis, tell Banner to reach Peter's room ASAP." I rush towards the kid's room.

The team's gonna flip...


I push open the mahogany door only to be greeted by a worried Happy pacing around the room. His head snaps towards me and he rushes in my direction. "Where's the kid, Happy? What's going on?"

He shakes his head worriedly before speaking up. "I don't know, Tony. He called me and he didn't look well, at all and then he rushed into the bathroom when we reached here and now he's not opening up." He hurriedly explains and I feel even more stressed.

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