45| An impossible mess

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Tony's pov.

This is a mess.

I glide across the destructed area, surveying the region only to be met with fires and those darn people with masks.

This is indeed, a huge mess.

"Cap? What do you say?" Sam's voice echoes from the comms and I feel a bit relieved at the thought of them working perfectly, seeing as they are the latest updates. After all, it isn't usual for us to be separated into groups and having to be in different states altogether.

"It's a mess."

"Hate to agree, Rogers," I reply back, my eyes still scanning the area for any civilians out in open. "Nat, Clint? Having fun down there?"

"Yeah, as much as you can have while being surrounded by seven idiots with these guns." Natasha's voice is followed by that of gunshots. "Actually, it's eight." Clint corrects her and I can almost imagine the woman giving him a deadly glare. "I'm so sorry I wasn't specific enough. That's one more death."

"I can't believe we are the earth's mightiest heroes." Banner's exasperated voice comes out the moment I land beside another group of attackers. My attention is rudely grabbed by the sound of bullets hitting the metal suit. I hold back a sigh, "Look, guys. We need to talk this through." The sound of bullets is soon replaced by that of the miniature missiles launched from my suit and in no time the group is down on the ground making me smirk.

"Well, that was a good talk."

"No, it wasn't." A barely audible voice reaches my ear a second before I launch up towards the sky.

"Are we gonna play 'who got the most kills' game? I think I'm winning." Clint's voice is followed by several groans as I zoom past the buildings.

"I swear I am this close to shooting you instead, Clint." Natasha sneers at the man-child and I can confidently assume that the said man is squirming at the threat like a baby. But, I don't blame him. Poor guy, Natasha's threat always are the worst.

"I don't understand. How is this guy possibly a deadly assassin?" Bruce sighs deeply, followed by Clint's whine. "Oh come on, Banner. Don't be stupid. You've seen me kick ass."

"Me? Stupid? Say that to my 7 PhDs." A small smile creeps upon my face followed by various sounds of laughter. Working along these people is insane, it's almost as if some babies are sent to fight a war.

I reach back to where I can see Clint and Nat, each of them shooting the targets skillfully, not missing a single target.

Now, I can clearly see how these two are deadly assassins...

"By the way," Rhodey breaks the brief silence. "I've seen your ass being kicked instead, Barton." I can't hold back the unamused laugh that escapes my lips followed by Clint's whining which is once again shut off by Natasha.

"I don't get it? What's even the point of these attacks?" Bucky questions up making me go back the same track of confusion all over again. I know everything happening is somehow connected to everything else that has happened. So, what am I missing?

"Did you guys see the guns? Damn, these are some weird shits. It's almost as if someone used the alien tech." My breath hitches in my throat at the mention and I land beside the two figures in a frenzy. My eyes fall upon the guns, "Tony-" Steve's voice is stretched out, breaking the small pause, the sound a mixture of fear and hesitancy.

That's the thing, Bruce. They are too advanced, making them just as powerful and that's exactly what Ross wants.

"Jarvis, scan the guns."

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