Chapter 2: Snowflake

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August 8th 2014

I've laid low since the last time they found me, but I feel like I'm being watched constantly. I tore my small studio apartment to pieces just to find evidence of a tracking device, or maybe a hidden camera; they've done it before, and I wouldn't be shocked if they tried again. But of course the walls and curtains only show signs of neglect and old smoking habits.

Nonetheless, you can't ever be too careful, because all it takes is one mistake, one little mess up and they'll be on you faster than you can pack your bags. So as a precaution, I set up a new life for myself. I know, I know, becoming a new person at the drop of a hat seems kind of ridiculous, but creating a new identity now is more second nature to me than anything. Honestly, my fear of being found is pretty valid, I mean not only have I broken over a thousand laws, but I'm kind of on an elite military forces 'wanted dead or alive' list, so excuse me for being a little paranoid.

This afternoon I was driving to my friend Drayton's house to burn all evidence that my previous identity existed. In case you were concerned, Drayton is safe. He works for the sect of the government that is trying to capture me, and he has buddies in the sect that are trying to kill me; in other words, the little weasel feeds me information about what's going down on the inside.

Of course, I don't trust him fully. I've never once told him my new identity, and I always wear a stupid Halloween disguise to visit him. There could come a day when I walk into that house and discover an ambush of military men waiting to tear me limb from limb; of course only for the good of science. But until that day arrives, I have to place my trust in someone, and I just got lucky that he's filled with valuable information.

His house is very modern looking; you know those houses that you drive by that are always out of place with their old colonial style surroundings. He has one of those. It's a double-decker home with two strange triangular rooms that look like wings from the outside, and it's built to look like a wood cabin. I took a bus to the park that is two blocks away from his place, and walked the rest of the way. I was wearing my usual attire; a snarly, clumpy pink wig from the clearance Halloween store, a cheap ski mask I got from the local sports shop, and just a plain t-shirt and leggings. People give me the strangest looks when I walk around with a neon wig... imagine the horror if I were to wear the ski mask.

When I finally arrived on his door step, he pulled me in by the forearm and slammed the door shut behind me. He gave me a chaste greeting before striding into the next room, calling over his shoulder about having something to give me. I creeped around as usual, scoping the normal places for cameras or bugs, and if he were extreme enough, well-hidden explosives. The man was clean as far as I was aware.

"Heya Snowflake, your fire is ready." he had called from his large living room.

If there was anything Drayton and I had in common it was our love of privacy. His living room lacked windows except for a small square one above the chimney, and even then it was covered by a thick black-out curtain. The rest of the room is quite cozy. He has many a leather furnishings around the room, starting with a couch and ending with a lamp shade.

Drayton himself was a funny-looking guy. He was a very small man; I'd say about five foot four at most, with a hunch in his back. He looks much too old for his age, which is thirty seven, due to the multiple creases in his face after years of worry. Dray's hair is really nice from observation; it is a thick curly mess that reminds me of ramen noodles, except the coloring is like charcoal mixed with little white streaks. Then finally his funniest feature is his voice. It is a deep tone with a very thick Scandinavian accent. I always found it comforting.

I sat on the bench in front of the fire, and threw in my old passport and license, along with any flash drives that proved I had ever existed. One thing I became good at during the evolution of technology, is hacking. I can get into any file or folder no matter how secure they may think it is. I can erase data with a click of a button, or transfer money into a bank account just as easily. The best part is no one ever knows. You see, as long as people don't keep tabs on you, they'll never know if you disappeared.

I watched the papers fold in on themselves and ignite with glowing orange flames. It's almost like I'm burning away a piece of myself. Sometimes I wonder that when I burn myself up if there will be anything left when - if - I do die. Okay that was too deep and girly... moving on. Drayton called me into his office after about twenty minutes, so I stood up from the little wooden bench and crossed the hallway into a big open area littered with empty coffee mugs, milk crates holding multiple folders, and one big computer screen surrounded by equipment. Dray was standing behind his desk giving me a small side grin.

"How have ya been Snowflake?" he inquired.

I insisted he call me a code name. He couldn't know my real name, my alias, or anything about me. So for now, snowflake would do. I answered with a simple 'so-so' and took a seat on the folding chair in front of his desk. An envelope was slid across the table and I opened it. They were concert tickets.

"You know I hate music." I reminded him. He tried playing a record while I was over, and I ended up shooting the machine. Back then it was to show I meant business, that I could and would kill him. But there was more to it than that; I just hate the sound of people bitching about their problems.

He insisted I take them, saying there were about thirty bands at the show and that he looked into it and seven of thirty were into the groupie scene. I was confused at first, but then I got it; groupies tour with bands for a brief amount of time. It could be two or three stops, but it was enough to get me the hell out of here.

"Warped tour." I read off of the printed ticket sheet.


Okay, so you know how I usually do a whole "meet so-and-so" thing as my chapter 1? Yeah, well this is more like a four part get to know Cora thing, so the next chapter shall conclude our main character introductions, meaning we can get to the good stuff (;

You guys ready to meet luke in chapter 6??? Don't worry the next two chapters are short (:

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