Chapter 1: Good Ol' Jimmy

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It was on the streets I met James. And yes, you are indeed about to embark on a possibly-three-paragraph long love story that ends in tragedy. So let's not waste any time.

I knew how wrong it was for us to be together. He was eighteen and I was seventy; that made me about twelve physically. I guess you could say I sould've known. What adult is attracted to a prepubescent twelve year old girl without having some creepy pedophilic fetish? Yeah, a question I didn't really want to address at the time. We met in the most broken of ways; I talked him down from sinking a bullet into his worthless skull. Our chemistry was almost instant; we were both abandoned and we both ran away from our second homes. We sat in silence for hours a day, and when we did talk it was about becoming rich and famous and never having to worry about our next meal. We were inseparable. I moved in with him eventually, and all was well for a while. All was well until he started asking for things I couldn't give him. He wanted marriage, a family, a good life... all things I wished I could give to him, but couldn't.

It broke my heart as reality broke him down. He started to get violent and I let him. I thought I deserved it after all of the awful things I did, after holding him back for so long, after failing him and myself for all these years. It didn't get really bad until one night. I thought the blood tears stopped a long time ago, but I guess they didn't. It was about one in the morning in 2006 where he was beating me so bad I could hardly breathe. I healed quickly enough, but I was crying so hard that the pain didn't even matter. I opened my eyes for a split second, only to be greeted by a harsh burning feeling and a bright red color tingeing my surroundings. His hands were soaked with my dark maroon blood and he looked absolutely sick with fear.

We slept in the same bed that night like nothing went wrong, but the police were knocking down our door the next morning. I was taken into custody, they took blood, and the only match they could find was from a girl who was born in 1928. I was the government's problem then.

And all the while, the only thing I could go back too is how easily James had given me up. He just threw me away for the labs to dissect, poke, and prod me. He threw me away into countless hours of electric shock. You know they broke every single one of my bones to see how quickly I could heal? Did you know they starved me for years until I was on the brink of death, just to see how long I could go without food? If you're reading this James, I hope you're happy. I hope you got everything you've ever wanted, because if I could go back to any day I'd go back to the day I met you. I would've let you die.


A/N: You guys enjoying this so far??

I know this chapter was short, but I'm trying to cut it to the part where we meet the boys. That will be in Chapter 5... wink wink, nudge nudge.

I know that it sound far away, but it really isn't. I'll have chapter 2 up on monday, 3 up on wednesday, 4 up on thursday, and 5 will be up over thae weekend.

It's my 5sos fanfic week debute! XD

I hope you are all as excited as i am (:

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