Jilly~ pretending (part 2)

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When Gilly woke up the next morning, she felt arms loosely wrapped around her and she was using someone's chest as a pillow. She sat up and yawned, immediately toppled backwards when she saw him. Jax. A boy she was supposedly dating. She felt sad that it was all for pretend. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't in love with the prince. 

At the sudden lose contact, Jax woke up. He saw Gilly and smiled. She was sitting there, her hair a mess, staring at him. When she noticed him awake she looked away blushing. "Morning thief." 

Gilly smiled awkwardly. "Good morning." She wasn't sure if he was aware of their sleeping position and most definitely did not want to talk about it. "So, do you know what we're doing to day?"

"Um, father mentioned something about a press conference that I have to go to, but you don't have to go if you don't want to."

"I don't think there's anything else for me to do."

Jax grinned, "Cool. Well, would you like to eat some breakfast? We have to get changed first though. Last night they brought a box of dresses for you to wear over the week." He got out of bed and grabbed a large box, setting it down on the bed. 

Gilly couldn't help but take in his appearance. His hair was a mess of curls and it was weird seeing him in just a tee-shirt and sweatpants. She quickly averted her gaze so he didn't notice. She looked through the box. She pulled out a simple, silky, purple dress. She looked at it for a few seconds before deciding it would be what she wore.

A few minutes later she walked out of the bathroom. Jax was dressed all princely and his hair was combed nicely. He couldn't help but snicker as Gilly walked into the room. She was wearing a beautiful dress, yet her hair was a mess. He grabbed a brush from a nightstand.

"Come here." He told her. She walked over to him and let him brush her hair. He was gentle with her, yet effective and able to get all the tangles out. She quietly thanked him once he was done. They walked to the dining hall together. Jax's father seemed to have just gotten there, whereas Rapunzel and her husband weren't there yet. 

They quickly sat down and waited. A few moments later, Rapunzel and Eugene arrived and took their seats. Gilly happily sighed at the sight of the breakfast. It was french toast with a side of eggs and hash browns. Gilly and Jax both got chocolate milk, the adults had coffee. 

Rapunzel took the meal to question Jax and Gilly about their relationship, it went like this: 

"When'd you two start dating?"

"A bout six months ago." Jax had smoothly replied. 

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"We don't really want to go public with our relationship, we're worried about the response." Gilly said, hoping they got the hint of not to tell everyone about the "new couple."

After almost forty five minutes of eating, being questioned, and talking about the upcoming press conference, Gilly and Jax were excused to go back to the room. They hung out like they normally would've any other time until there was knocking on the door. 

It was time to go to the press conference. Gilly started to get nervous, and almost said she'd stay back, but she didn't want to leave Jax alone. They were ushered into a room with all the other members of the Royal Court and a handful of reporters. 

The second they sat down, a reporter ran up to them. His photographer taking pictures of them as he talked. "Is it true that you two are dating?" 

Jax and Gilly glanced at each other. How would he know about that?  They both thought.

Jax cleared his throat. "I beg your pardon?"

"A footman saw you two holding hand whilst exiting a carriage yesterday. Is it true that you made it official?" 

Gilly gulped, not sure if to build onto the lie or tell the truth right there. She wasn't sure how much trouble she, or worse, Jax would get in trouble if the truth got out. All she could do was nod. Jax took a deep breath hoping the direction this was going wouldn't end sourly. So he nodded too.

The reporter squealed. "Can you two kiss, so I can put the picture in my article, please?"

Both of them blushed and Jax tried to think of a way out of this. "Um, we don't really feel comfortable with PDA, sorry." The reporter frowned and scribbled something in his notebook. He flashed them a smile before walking away. 

The press conference lasted almost two hours and Jax and Gilly knew they were doomed. After the first reporter, pretty much every other reported talked to them too. There was no going back now. Everyone would read the paper and think they were together. Gilly felt guilty, her friends would think they kept their relationship from them, not knowing there wasn't a relationship to hide. 

The were sitting on Jax's bed in silence. Jax had his head in his hands. "What are we going to do? Live this lie out forever. I don't know what the punishment would be if people found out this was fake..."

What if it wasn't fake Gilly thought to herself.

"What?" Jax asked.

Then Gilly realized that she had said that out loud.

Cliffhanger? Tank you for reading dude (☞゚ヮ゚)☞༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Sowwy its short, i'll update it soon if people want me to!

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