Jilly~ Denial

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Gillian Cobbler did not like to talk about her feelings. However, that didn't mean she was good at hiding them. Her friends, especially Jax, could always tell when something was wrong. Like today for example. Gilly was hiding in the library, reading a random book she yanked of the shelf. She found herself rereading the same page over and over again, not paying attention to the words. 

Jax found her, and quietly sat next to her, without a word. She glanced at him before returning to her book. He pulled a book off the table next to them and pretended to read it. "Whatcha reading?" He asked after an uncomfortable few minutes of silence. Gilly shifted in her seat and looked at the cover of her book.

"Finally Falling," she read aloud. Jax nodded and looked at her. She felt as if he was staring into her soul.

"So why have you been avoiding me these past few days? Was it the pie comment, cause I was only joking." Gilly shook her head. She looked up at him and saw his face of pure concern. Why does he have to be so caring? She thought to herself.

"No, I've just been thinking." The truth of it was, Gilly didn't know why she was avoiding him. She had been avoiding him quite a bit recently. She was worried about all these things she was feeling, and why she was feeling them. It didn't make sense to her, and she needed everything to stop. 

Jax scrunched up his face for a second before standing up. "Well, do you want to go pegasi flying with me? I know you like reading but you've been cooped up here all day." Then he smiled at her. A smile: a simple friendly gesture.  So why does it give me butterflies?  Gilly Thought. 

"Uhm, okay. Sure." She stood up with him and put down her book. They walked down the hall, and ran to catch the hallway leading outside before it disappeared. They luckily made it and were met by Ollie, Kayla, Jocelyn, and AG, who seemed to be having a picnic. 

Ollie noticed them and waved them over. "Hey guys! Care to join us?" Jax was about to tell him they had plans but he was interrupted. "That wasn't really a question sit." Ollie said. Thet took a seat, and grabbed some food. Everyone went on to talking as normal, it was Jocelyn who pointed out that Gilly wasn't talking. 

"Well isn't it strange for you to be quiet?" She smiled wickedly. 

"I'm just a bit tired," Gilly responded. She was actually thinking about Jax. How he was so kind, and caring, and attractive.  But she'd never admit that out loud.

Basically everyone saw through her alibi but they chose to ignore it. "So what have you love birds been up to today?" Kayla asked. It took a moment for Gilly to realize she was talking to her and Jax.

"We aren't love birds!" She snapped. Ollie saw the hurt flash through Jax's eyes before he hid it with a grin.

"Kayla" He drawled, "We're just friends." Kayla accusingly stared at him. Meanwhile Gilly was internally panicking. Is it that obvious? Wait. There's nothing to be obvious! I do not like my best friend!  She looked at Jax and could feel her face heating up. She mumbled something along the lines of having to go somewhere and stood up, running away. Jax wasn't far behind.

"Gilly! Wait up!"

Gilly thought about turning around, but then decided against it. She pretended not to hear her best friend yelling her name. As she neared her dorm, she slowed down her pace. Jax was a gentleman...ish. He wouldn't go into the girls dormitories. Yet, of course, she was wrong.

Gilly was unlocking her door when she felt arms wrap around her. She let out a shaky breath before opening her door and walking in. Jax was quick to follow. They stood by the door awkwardly, in an uncomfortable silence. 

"Come on thief, whats wrong? You can tell me." Jax said, breaking the silence.

Gilly sighed, "But I can't." Jax tried to say something but she interrupted him. "I can't tell you what's wrong, because I don't even know what's wrong."

"Oh." Jax sat down on her bed, "Well maybe we could figure it out together?" 

Gilly shrugged before sitting down next to him. "Jax, how would you feel if Maxine or Kayla said they had a crush on you?"

Jax blinked, taken aback by the question. "Well," he said slowly. "I would have to tell them that I don't have the same feelings as them, but I would hope that didn't ruin our friendship. Why? Does one of them like me?"

"No no no. I was just... wondering."

"Do you like someone, Gilly?" Jax looked at her, but she turned her head away from him. He took that as a yes. "Is it Jack? I don't think it would be Ollie, since we all know he likes Kayla, but...." 

"It isn't either of them." 

"Oh," He chuckled but he didn't really find anything funny. "I don't know why I thought it'd be someone in the friend group... although I don't think I'd consider Jack a friend. Wait that was rude of me, it could be a girl. Is it Maxine? AG? I doubt it would be Jocelyn." He looked at Gilly, "Sorry, I'm rambling."

Gilly had a small smile. "It's none of them, Jax. It is a guy, and you know him better than anyone. He's my best friend." She mumble the last part.

Jax's eyes widened. He shifted his body more towards her. "Is... Is it me?" He asked quietly. 

Gilly stared at her boots for a moment before looking into his eyes. "Would that be okay?" She asked softly. Then she saw the biggest smile plastered on his face. He brought his hand up to her face and brushed his thumb over her cheek before pulling her close to him. He quickly pecked her lips, causing them both to blush. 

"That would most definitely be okay." They both giggled and Gilly pulled him in for another kiss.

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