The competition

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A loud beeping arose me from a decent sleep. I jolted upwards and hit my head on the metal ceiling. As my eyes focused, I realized I was inside a box.

The competition must have started. The tight squeeze of the metal walls told me I needed to work fast. There was a small crook in the corner that I wedged my finger through it. I pushed until the wall popped off.

I crawled out and saw I was on an island. The only ways out were swimming or a parkour course.

I jumped from ledge to ladder rung to platform, twisting and turning my body to adjust the the center of gravity per landing.

As I reached the ending platform, I came across a maze. I began to run. Left then right then right again. I just kept running after a while, I had lost all sense of direction.

I climbed the nearest hedge to get a better look. The maze went for miles and miles on end. I could see the heads of other tributes rushing along.

Silently I ran across the tops of bushes, making my way towards the exit. Then there was a shout.

Mason, followed by the twins from 12, began to climb up the hedges too. I ran faster.

Soon I was jumping off into the next obstacle. A long narrow hallway, riddled with holes, awaited me.

I took one step forward and an arrow shot out of the closest hole.


Carefully, I stepped over each wire and line, making sure I set nothing off. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the others gaining on me. I made it out of the hallway.

One obstacle left, I could see the finish line, but I had to retrieve a key. From the bottom of the pool.

Stripping off my jacket and shoes, I dived in. There were 23 keys at the bottom. Someone won't make it to the end.

They were tied down and I was loosing air. I swam back up and out, gasping for air. Diving back down I untied my key and powered forward. I reached the gate an unlocked it.

To my surprise I faced an instructor. He was armed with a sword and there was one laying on the floor, waiting for me.

I picked it up and decided on playing the aggressive role. I charged forward, slicing at his face leaving a red gash. He struck back, but I blocked it in the nick of time. He kicked my legs out from under me and I fell, bringing him down with me.

Our swords slid off to the side. I gained control of the ground fight and knocked the man out. I ran across the finish line. I had one.

"Good job," someone said, I looked over to see the jasper mason, "second place isn't bad."

And then we waited in silence. Next ran in mason followed by Joan. Then the insane twins and the blinds.

People filed in, one after another, until everyone was back. Except for Val.

I was sent back in to find her.

There she was, sitting curled up on the floor in the middle of the maze. She was rocking back and forth murmuring to herself "your not lost. Your NOT lost." It was hilarious.

I jumped down from the hedge and hoisted her up. She sprinted away whilst I took my sweet time.

When I got back Richard came to see me, "second isn't bad." He complimented me, "I got 10th." He looked sad. "That's still good!" I encouraged him, "you should be proud."

We walked off together, ready for a free day, and then it's time to play.

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