Chapter 14 - The Kid Gloves Are Off

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This time, Querl wakes first.

He pulls his wing in tighter, pressing the woman next to him close to his body. Even an inch of space between them is unbearable, it seems. She stirs, a hmmm of consciousness that he feels to his very soul. Then she opens her eyes, and a smile dawns on her face like the first light of day. Yes, a trip to heaven and back seems a small price to pay for that smile, yet he's graced with it for the simple act of existing. In this moment, heaven and Earth blur into one.

"Morning," Nia says, pressing a kiss to his lips that he chases after when she tries to pull away. It's minutes before they come up for air, not that they need it as such. It merely facilitates the creation of sound. "As much as I appreciate this wake up, and I do, we still have work to do."

"No, no work, just this." He pulls her in again, holding her close. "I only want to do this from now on."

Nia chuckles and cuddles closer. "Mmmm, you have the best ideas."

"Don't I?"

"Yes, but our idiot targets are still running around, unmatched. We really need to get them together."

"Ugh. I hate that you're right. Hey, perhaps they got together on their own last night. We put on quite the show."

"We certainly did." She presses another kiss to his lips. "Petition to do that from now on instead of using arrows."

"Oooh. Now you have the best ideas. Stay here, I'm going to check on something." He rolls away and grabs his phone from the side table then leans back over and kisses her again. "No moving."

"Okay," she giggles. "What are you doing?"


The phone rings twice then, "L-Corp, Jessica speaking."

"Jess, it's Querl. Is Lena in?"

"She's on a call. Can I take a message?"

"... sprok."

"What was that?"

"Is it a work call, or is she speaking to Kara Danvers?"

"She's on the phone with the UK office. I don't think she has plans with Miss Danvers today. There's nothing on her schedule."

"Double sprok."

"What's going on, Mr. Dox."

"Unfortunately, nothing. No message, Jess. I'll be in later, goodbye." Querl disconnects, tossing his phone on the bed as he flops back on the mattress. "Lena is at work and has no plans with Kara."

"Well, at least they're consistent."

"Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screw up." He rolls over and curls up with her again. "I just want to get out of here so we can live our lives and stop playing at being mortal."

"So let's."

Querl pushes up so he's looking down at Nia, a look of disbelief on his face. "You want to abandon our targets?"

"No, I want to stop acting like Cupids and act like mortals. Let's go shake them by the shoulders, tell them they're being idiots, and knock their heads together if we have to."

"We can do that?"

"I dunno. We already lost our arrows and have thrown away the handbook. Why not?"

"Yes, why not?" He stands and with a snap of his fingers is in his mortal form and dressed for the day. "I'll go to L-Corp and shake Lena until she comes to her senses. You go get Kara."

"Right," Nia says already in mortal form. "If I have to hog tie her and carry her to L-Corp, I'll get her there."

"You wouldn't."

She leans in, kissing him deeply once again. "Desperate times call for desperate measures. Let's go."

"Wait." When she tries to step away, he pulls her close and kisses her again. "Good luck. I love you."

"I love you too. Go get your mortal ready. I'm not waiting another day to spend my existence with you."


"You can't go in there. She's on a call!" Jess calls as Querl charges past her.

Lena looks up at him, confusion obvious on her face, and it grows to something more like anger when he disconnects her con call. "Querl, what the—"

"I'm sorry, Miss Luthor. I tried to stop him. He's surprisingly fast."

"It's fine Jessica," Lena waves her assistant away. "Querl, you better have a good reason for doing that."

"You're in love with Kara." It's like ripping off a bandaid, and he watches her face. It's like she goes through all five stages of grief, finally settling on acceptance.

"Yes, God, yes. How did you—"

"She loves you too."

"Like a friend."

"No, like a friend and so much more. You just aren't speaking each other's languages. You need to use your words, tell her how you feel."

"I..." Lena shakes her head and sinks back into her chair. "I don't think that I can."

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life alone, or do you want to spend it with Kara?"

There's only one answer to that. "With Kara."

"Then you can tell her."

"You can't go in there!" Jessica yells as Nia hurries into the room practically dragging Kara in behind her. "Honest to God, it's like Grand Central Station in here today. Miss Luthor—"

"It's fine, Jessica. Go take lunch."

"But, it isn't even 9 o'clock."

"Lunch, Jessica."

"Yes, ma'am."

Nia urges Kara forward, shoving when the reporter needs a bit more encouragement. Kara swallows hard and thrusts her hand forward, holding out a bunch of flowers. "Here, these are for you."

Lena's eyes widen as she takes in the daisies. They've seen better days, and the hand holding them trembles slightly, but the look on her face is like that of a kid at Christmas. "You got me flowers?"

"I did, and I'll do it tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. I'll do it every day to show you that you deserve flowers, you deserve to have someone bring you flowers and that..." Kara glances back at Nia who smiles, "that I want to be the one who brings them to you because you're amazing."

"Oh Kara I... You're amazing. I'm sorry if I didn't know the words to make you understand how I felt."

"How do you feel?"

"Overwhelmed half the time. Unworthy when I'm around you. Scared that you'll truly see me and not even want to be my friend any more."

"But I do see you," Kara says, "and I want to be your friend and so much more."

"So do I. I've wanted that for so long, but I've never thought someone as sweet, and gentle and... perfect as you would want anyone like me."

"Ha!" Kara shakes her head. "We're both idiots."


"Guys, we're gonna leave," Nia says as she and Querl stand in the doorway. "Kara, I left a folder on your desk. It explains what happened to those missing persons. You're going to bust this story wide open."


"And Lena, you'll find the complete data on my invention in an email I sent you. I've also signed over my rights to you. I trust you to do the right thing."

"Wait, are you two leaving?" Lena asks.

Querl and Nia share a look, smiling, and Querl says, "Yes, we have something more important to do."

Nia wraps her arm around him. "We have lost time to make up for, and you two should do the same. Good luck."

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