Chapter 2 - Partners and Benefits

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The L-Corp building stretches to dizzying heights above the National City skyline. It vies for attention with CatCo Worldwide Media, the other behemoth of a building that seeks to blot out the sun. They stand tall, straight, looming over the rest of the city. There would probably be many jokes about them 'making up for' other things if the CEOs of both companies weren't women.

"Mr. Dox, she's ready for you." When the man doesn't respond, Jessica rises and rounds her desk, going to stand next to the man looking out the window as she clears her throat. "Mr. Dox?"


"Miss Luthor is ready for you now."

"Oh, excellent. I was just..." Querl waves his hand at the cityscape stretching below him as the sky bleeds orange with the sunset.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? I've lived here for years, and I never get tired of seeing the sun set over the Pacific." When he only hums his agreement, Jessica steps back and says, "Well, if all goes well, you'll be here more often to take in the view. It seems the heights don't bother you."

"Not at all. Heights, flying, some of my favorite things."

"Word to the wise," Jess says as she leads him to the door to Lena's office, "don't mention flying to Miss Luthor." She pulls open the door to reveal the woman herself clicking away at a keyboard. "Miss Luthor, Mr. Dox is here for your meeting."

"Ah, Mr. Dox, so good of you to come and see me."

Lena Luthor is an elegant woman. With her stylized hair in a bun, makeup just so, silk blouse, pencil skirt, and four inch heels, she's a rare mix of business professional meets vogue. She's a contrast in many ways: the body of a Hollywood starlet surrounds the mind of an MIT professor, strict self-discipline mixes with a generous and kind employer, and she swims in self-loathing while loving others easily if not openly (or knowingly). Lena is everything her mother made of her and everything her mother could not unmake all wrapped into one neurotic and gorgeous genius in very expensive shoes.

"Miss Luthor, so good of you to have me in. May I?" Querl gestures toward the chair across from Lena's desk even as she rises and nods.

"Please do. Can I get you something to drink? Jessica?"

"No, please. I'm fine."

"That will be all, Jessica." When they're alone, Lena sits again, folding herself back into her chair where she perches demurely and lends Dox her full attention. "Well, I must say it isn't every day I get a proposal like yours across my desk. I only had a few hours to run the specs but..."

"But you see the opportunity to make money."

"And help save the planet. You have my attention, Mr. Dox, but I have questions, many, many questions."

"And I'm here to answer them. Are your questions about how the battery works, the processor interface, perhaps—"


"Why?" he repeats.

"Yes, why bring this opportunity to L-Corp, to me? I'm intrigued, but my father always told me that when something seems too good to be true, there's a reason for that. So, why bring this opportunity to me? You could have gone to any number of investors if you were just looking for capital."

"The truth?"

Lena sits back and spreads her hands in front of herself. She isn't exactly relaxed, but she's more casual, and that's an opportunity for open conversation. "Please. If we can't start off from a place of honesty, I don't see this relationship getting off the ground."

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