Chapter 9 - The Mirror Experiment

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Nia yells from her bedroom as she sits on the bed and closes the straps on one of her shoes. Her dress is light blue over the right breast and along the back. The left side of the dress is dark blue and crosses her body in the front, tying with a four braid belt of light and dark blue. When Querl steps in the room, she adds, "Do they even know this is a double date?"

"No." He stands in front of the full-length mirror, his gray vest still open as he fumbles with his purple tie. "That would imply they were aware they'd been dating for the past two years."

"Right, what was I thinking?" She moves to the vanity, fixing her lipstick and dropping it into her matching clutch before she checks her eye makeup. "So, what's the game plan tonight?"


"Mirroring?" She meets his gaze in their mutual mirrors and points from the mirror in front of herself to the one in front of him. When he frowns at the confusing gesture lost in the myriad of reflections, she knocks on the glass. "Like mirrors?"

"Ah, yes and no. I don't mean physical mirrors, but the concept is from where we get the term." As he wraps and unwraps his tie, his frown only intensifies. "You see, people often unconsciously mirror others' body language to facilitate empathy. We'll start the evening by mirroring Kara and Lena. In turn," he completely unravels the tie with an angry huff, "Sprok."

"Here, let me." Nia stands behind Querl and slides the tie back and forth on his neck until the length of each piece seems to please her. She slides the longer and wider piece over the top of the smaller piece, under the loop of the neck and through. Then she loops it around the smaller piece, goes up under the neck loop again, and this time, comes down through the knot area she has created. She pulls down the front facing piece then tugs the back, tightening the tie. "There, a Full Windsor knot, very handsome." She flips his collar down then leans in and presses a kiss to his cheek, rubbing away the smear of lipstick with her thumb.

He clears his throat and stiffens but nods as she comes around in front of him. "Thank you, Nia. I long ago conquered the toga, but ties still escape me."

"Well, you can't be good at everything." She buttons up his vest, adjusting the tie in place. "I suppose you'll have to settle for being a genius and the world's greatest lover."

As she winks and walks away, slowing only to grab her clutch where she dropped it on the bed, he stammers for several moments before hurrying after her and finally saying, "Can I get that in writing?"

Her laugh echoes through the living room.


Mirroring seems to be going well. The couples arrive at close to the same time, and when Lena chooses a seat, Querl picks her opposite. Just like that, they're mirror images. They move onto things from suggesting foods to the other, handing over a napkin, gentle touches, laughing at jokes that don't deserve a laugh, encouraging words, and longing glances. By dessert, Querl and Nia are leading this little dance, and they have Lena and Kara following along.

"That was so good," Nia says, sinking back in her chair as Querl signs the check and Lena slides a few twenties onto the table for a tip.

"It sure was," Kara agrees, relaxing into her chair.

"I agree. We should go for a walk. Nia?" Querl stands, sliding Nia's chair out.

"Count me in. I think I put on five pounds."

"I put on ten," Kara says as she stands next to Lena.

"You never gain weight. You always look perfect," Lena says.

"Look who's talking." Kara holds out an arm to Lena, and the four of them head out into the night air. "This one could be the poster child for perfect. Am I right?"

"Well, she's no Nia but..." Querl smiles at Lena, but it turns into a frown when she shivers. "Are you cold?"

"Just a little bit."

"Here, take my jacket. Are you okay?" Kara is already taking off her jacket and wrapping it around Lena's shoulders before the woman can respond.

"You're too good to me," Lena says.

"That's impossible."

The two couples find themselves standing side by side on an arched, brick bridge overlooking a pond. A mated swan pair drift along the serene water, their white feathers fairly glowing in the light of the full moon. They stand in silence for several minutes, each couple with fingers intertwined with their significant other. The only sound is crickets in the nearby field chirping out a mating call for love. You couldn't design a more perfect scene for romance.

"This is perfect," Nia whispers into Querl's neck. "I've seen a lot of romantic nights, but this is..."

As she lifts her face and stares up into his eyes, he says, "Perfect."


He brushes some stray hairs away from her face and behind one ear as she stares into her eyes. "I've seen and even designed some simply magical nights, but they all lacked something this one has."

"What's that?"

"The right company."

Nia doesn't respond. How can she? It would be obvious to assume he's talking about their targets that have become a joint venture, but when he stares into her eyes and holds her in his arms, the job is the furthest thing from her mind. They might as well be the only two Cupids in the world right now. That actually sounds pretty nice. Let love sort itself out.

There's a scrape of a heel on stone, and Querl turns his head sharply and then takes a half step away from Nia. "Where are you going?"

When Nia turns, Kara and Lena are at the far end of the bridge, practically back on the pathway they took from the park. They look like kids who got busted by their parents sneaking in after curfew.

"Sorry," Kara says. "You guys look so happy. We didn't want to interrupt."

"Yes, this is obviously a couple's moment, so we're going to make ourselves scarce. Querl, I'll see you whenever you get in in the morning. No rush."

"No, don't—"

"I'll cover for you in the morning with Snapper, Nia. Bye!"


Kara and Lena turn and head away, their conversation fading as they wander off.

"I'll call Daniel to pick me up. Do you want him to drop you off?" Lena asks.

"Sure, thanks. Oooh, can we stop and get ice cream on the way?"

Lena's laugh fades as do the words, "Only you, Kara Danvers, only you."

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